Express implantation

Express dental implantation is a method of tooth restoration, in which the implant is installed in just one visit to a doctor.
Implantation possible immediately after tooth extraction.
The doctor does not need to carry out any preparatory actions, the implant is installed immediately in the hole of the tooth just removed.
This technique of installing dental implants eliminates the incision of the gums, i.e. carried out by the transgigival method. A temporary crown is installed immediately.
At the same time, the healing period is significantly reduced, which means that the restoration of chewing and aesthetic functions is faster.
This technology has names - synonyms:
Bloodless, seamless, non-surgical - due to low invasiveness.
Fast, one-stage, instant, instant - due to the reduction of the treatment period.
- One-stage implantation received this name, because it implies an operation in one stage. This means that after installing the implant, the gum does not need to be sutured, but a special plug is installed, which is easy to remove before installing the prosthesis.
- Immediate dental implantation is so named because the installation of the implant takes much less time, in comparison with the classical one. The number of visits to the implantologist is also greatly reduced.
- Bloodless or seamless - during the operation, the gum is not cut and the bone is not exposed. The implant is installed by the transhygial method. The operation is bloodless, and no suturing is required. To bloodless implantation can be attributed - laser.
- Dental implantation Express laser is one of the best practices. When implanting teeth, the use of laser technology is possible. The procedure is characterized by absolute sterility, bloodlessness and accuracy of exposure. The laser beam has a disinfecting effect, which has a positive effect on the regeneration process, which takes place quickly and efficiently.
- Non-surgical implantation is a purely marketing move. In any case, this is an operation that is tolerated by patients much easier, because short in time and does not require serious postoperative recovery.
Carrying out express dental implants is shown in the following cases:

- Tooth injury with deep penetration under the gingival tissue.
- If immediate restoration of the tooth after its removal is required.
- The need for urgent dental prosthetics.
- If it is impossible to further treat damaged teeth, if necessary, remove them.
- Complete lack of teeth.
Bloodless implantation can be a good solution if you need to install a conditionally removable or removable denture on the implants.
Instant dental implantation It has many contraindications, but only a part of them make it impossible.

Absolute contraindications for simultaneous implantation:
- Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs.
- Disorders of the psyche of the patient.
- The presence of malignant neoplasms.
- Connective tissue diseases.
- Weakened immunity.
- Tuberculosis and its complications.
- Inflammatory processes of the mucous membranes of the mouth.
- The presence of diabetes.
- Increased chewing muscle tone. Bruxism.
- Venereal diseases. AIDS.
- Allergic reactions to pain medications.
- Bone disease. Osteoporosis.
- Diseases of the endocrine system.
The presence of absolute contraindications makes rapid implantation impossible.
Relative contraindications for fast implantation:

- Tooth decay.
- Lack of oral hygiene.
- Inflammatory gum disease.
- Periodontitis
- Osteoarthritis of the jaw joints.
- Pathological bite.
- Atrophy of bone tissue of the alveolar processes of teeth.
- Addiction to drugs, alcoholism, smoking.
- Pregnancy.
Relative contraindications are easily eliminated.
Incompatible smoking and rapid implantation. Cigarette lovers are more likely to have implant rejection. 10-12 days before surgery, you must completely stop smoking.
General contraindications for non-surgical implantation:
- An allergic reaction to anesthesia.
- The presence of somatic diseases in the patient. The operation can provoke their exacerbation.
- The use of certain medications prescribed by other specialists.
- Mental disorder.
- Prolonged state of stress.
- With the depletion of the body.
- Poor oral care.
Local contraindications for express implantation:

- Bone tissue atrophy at the implant site.
- Lack of hygienic care for the oral cavity.
- Small gap to the maxillary and nasal sinuses.
Contraindications to implant placement during quick temporary implantation:
- Acute diseases of the body.
- Stage of recovery and rehabilitation.
- The presence of pregnancy.
- Condition after radiation therapy.
- Drug addiction or alcoholism.
According to some experts, express implantation, in comparison with the classical one, is less reliable.
However, with a full assessment of all possible risks, the correct installation of the implant, as well as the absence of contraindications, the operation is safe.
Conditions for express implantation
- Immediate implantation is not suitable for everyone. During the operation, there should be no contraindications, as well as the presence of ideal conditions for implantation.
- The bone tissue of the patient should be in large quantities and have good quality.
- The patient’s state of health at the time of surgery should be normal.
- Neighboring teeth should be healthy, because in the first time after surgery they will have to bear the main load.

Express implantation occurs in several stages:
- Preparing teeth for implant placement. At this stage, the examination and rehabilitation of the patient's oral cavity. There are contraindications to the operation.
- Removal of a tooth.
- Insertion of the implant into the jaw bone by puncture of the gum tissue without incision.
- Sutures around the implant for firm fixation in the bone tissue.
- Fixation of a metal-plastic crown on the implant protruding above the gum.
- For additional stabilization of the structure, neighboring teeth are sometimes used with the help of special mounts fixed on the inside of the teeth.
- Possibility of implant placement immediately after tooth extraction.
- Minimize discomfort: unrest, fear, etc.
- The patient receives new teeth immediately.
- Reducing the time spent on treatment.
- Lack of puffiness and pain.
- The healing and restoration of both chewing function and aesthetics are faster.
Video: “Bloodless Dental Implantation”
Methods and Features
Basal implantation

Basal implantation allows the restoration of three or more teeth. The peculiarity of this method is that it is possible to carry out implantation without building bone tissue.
On the third day after implantation of the implant, you can install a dental structure, which helps to restore the aesthetics and functionality of the teeth.
The basis of basal implantation is the use of implants, which, thanks to the structural features, are installed in the deep layer of bone tissue and are firmly fixed in it.
Basal implantation can be performed simultaneously with tooth extraction. The implant is inserted into the hole without cutting the gum, and its tip extends to its surface. After 2 - 3 days, a removable structure is installed, which fixes the implants and correctly distributes the load when chewing.
Implant Implant
This method allows you to restore from one to several teeth located separately. After installing the implants, the prosthetic structure is immediately fixed, which allows you to restore aesthetics. If bone tissue is insufficient, then instant loading becomes impossible.
For additional fixation of implants, temporary fastenings are used, while adjacent teeth, as a rule, are not involved.
The restoration of the chewing load should occur gradually within a month after the operation.
Mini implantation (MDI)

The mini - implantation technique allows the restoration of the jaw teeth using four implants, on which a conditionally removable prosthetic structure will be fixed. For implantation with mini - implants, a large volume of bone tissue is not required.
Installation of implants is performed through a puncture of the gums and is less traumatic. In this regard, after the procedure, there is practically no discomfort or swelling of the gums. After the installation of mini-implants, their upper part does not sink into the gum, which allows you to immediately fix the removable prosthesis.
Classic simultaneous implantation
Allows you to restore any number of teeth. The implant is installed at the moment of tooth extraction, and its engraftment takes place.
After 2 to 4 months, the abutment and dental structure are installed. In some situations, it is possible to install the structure at the time of implantation.
- Before going to the clinic, I was very worried, because according to the stories of a friend who went through the procedure for installing implants, it is very painful and after the operation a strong edema is formed. I had two implants installed, I felt only pain, which was then easily removed with painkillers. There was no swelling. The implants took root well, without complications.
- I had all my teeth missing. Implants were placed on the lower and upper jaw. The pain was not strong, swelling too. Dentures came right away.
- My tooth was badly damaged. I went to the clinic, where I was offered to remove it and put the implant. After its installation, there was pain, a slight swelling that did not last long. But what pleased me most was the fact that the old tooth was replaced by a new one, like a real one. The implant quickly took root.
- I got one implant after tooth extraction. It was not painful to bet. But then a swelling and soreness lasted for several days. The operation went very fast. Now the implant has taken root and I feel great with a new tooth.
Price comparison
Express dental implantation has an obvious plus: low cost, compared with the classical two-stage implantation, due to the fact that during its implementation there is no need to perform bone grafting.
In some cases, this technology can be presented by clinics as more expensive and the patient may be offered to overpay for comfort.
In fact, the cost of the operation is determined by the results of the diagnosis and upcoming treatment planning.
If express dental implantation is planned turnkey prices the installation of the implant will differ from the planned operation: both classic and one-stage.
Laser implantation will be 30-60% higher in cost, depending on the clinic, than the traditional procedure for implant placement and express implantation.
the name of the operation | Price in rubles |
Surgery for the introduction of a screw implant of the Straumann system (Switzerland) (the cost of the implant and the plug are included) | 37000 |
The implantation of a screw implant of the Straumann system (SLAactive surface) (including the cost of the implant) | 39000 |
Mis screw system implant installation (Israel) (implant cost is included) | 23000 |
Introduction of a screw implant of the Xive system (Germany) | 31000 |
The operation of installing a mini-implant under the orthodontic and orthopedic structures | 10000 |
Carrying out the second stage of implantation. The disclosure of the implant. | 2000 |
The second stage of implantation. Installation of the healing abutment Straumann (Switzerland) Xive (Germany) (the cost of the former is included) | 2100 |
The second stage of implantation with the installation of the healing abutment Alpha Bio or Miss (Israel) (the cost of the former is included) | 1300 |
Implant placement, casts, “turnkey” temporary crown, cermet crown | 42000 |
Express - implantation after tooth extraction, “turnkey” temporary crown, casts, ceramic-metal crown | 52000 |
Laser implantation | from 40,000 to 60,000 |
Before and after photos
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