Dental implants pros and cons

Dental implants in dental practice are gradually replacing traditional methods of prosthetics.
At the same time, with implantation of teeth, as with any operation, complications are not excluded.
An important role is played by the status of the clinic, the qualifications of the surgeon, the availability of modern equipment, the quality of the implant itself.
In highly specialized dental clinics that use high-quality implants, the percentage of complications, both at the time of surgery and after it, is negligible.
But, nevertheless, modern dental implantation has a number of arguments: for and against.
Implant prosthetics: pros and cons
Today, dental implants are the only system that allows you to fully replace missing teeth with new ones that have high aesthetics and functionality.
Sometimes a crown mounted on an implant is practically indistinguishable from a living tooth.
Proper implantation of the implant in the jawbone prevents the development of atrophic changes in it. Therefore, implantation is an effective measure to combat bone loss.
Arguments “for” implantation:
- Implantation allows you to solve the problem of the absence of one or more teeth.
- Longevity of dental implants. Installed implants can serve a person for a sufficiently long period of time. One of the conditions for their longevity is the quality of the implant and proper care for it.
- Implants allow a person to provide a full quality of life.
- Normalization of the digestive system.
- When implants are implanted, turning, depulping and crowning of adjacent healthy teeth are not required.
- Dental implants look like natural teeth.
- Caring for implants is almost no different from caring for real teeth.
- With implants, a person feels as if these are real teeth.
- There is no change in diction, violation of taste.
- With complete adentia, dental implants can solve the problem of their absence by attaching a removable structure.
- Minimal changes in the gums, so over time there will be no exposure of the crown at the junction with the gum.
- In the case of using a bridge, crowns are securely fixed on implants and can withstand heavy loads.
- The surface structure of some implants is able to stimulate the growth of bone cells at the site of implantation, thereby improving metabolic processes in bone tissue.
- The crown on the implant can always be replaced.
- Implants can be used to attach removable dentures.
- The presence of a large selection of orthopedic structures and fixtures allows you to solve problems of any degree of complexity.
- A wide variety of techniques for implant placement allows you to realize the needs of the patient.
Video: “Why implants are better than a bridge”
Arguments against the implantation:
- The presence of pain and discomfort during the operation and in the postoperative period.
- This is an invasive - traumatic method compared to other prosthetics.
- Failure to conduct the operation can cause complications, both during its conduct and in the postoperative period.
- It has a lot of contraindications.
- Implantation is more expensive than traditional prosthetics.
- In some cases, additional surgical intervention is required: bone tissue growth, sinus lift.
- The possibility of rejection of the implant, although there is a very low probability.
- Sufficiently long prosthetics method.
What is better implant or dental bridge?
In developed countries, implantation is considered a priority. A surgeon who has forgotten or didn’t want to offer the patient as a solution to the problem of missing a tooth, implantation, can easily lose his license.
Why do implantologists favor dental implants?
Implant |
Bridge |
Neighboring teeth | Not required | Processing of adjacent (supporting) teeth is required |
The number of installed artificial teeth | Can be installed in any quantity | You can restore no more than 2 to 3 teeth. Moreover, it is a heavy construction and leads to loosening and destruction of supporting teeth |
Functional load | Withstands the same load as a real tooth | It loads adjacent teeth that carry a double load, which leads to their destruction and loss |
Aesthetics | It fully replaces a real tooth and prevents bone atrophy. It is quite difficult to find such a tooth in the dentition | Do not exert pressure on the bone, which leads to its decrease. A hinged tooth will look like a real one will never |
Life time | Durability | 10 years maximum |
Care | Convenience, hygiene, no special care required | Very thorough hygiene required |
Russian dentists are not always inclined towards dental implants.
If the dentist does not sufficiently know the technology of implantation of dental implants, then most likely he will persuade the patient to install a bridge, intimidating him with nonexistent contraindications, complications and high prices.
At the same time, no bridge can fully replace a lost tooth and, of course, cannot completely solve the problem.
Is it worth doing dental implants?

- The civilized world has opted for dental implantation.
- In developed countries, in Europe, the USA, and Israel, dental implant placement operations are widespread.
- Weighing the pros and cons of installing dental implants, implantation benefits.
The success of implantation depends more on two factors: the level of the dental clinic and the qualifications of medical personnel.
- Before choosing a clinic, you need to find out whether it has a license for surgical activity.
- In addition, for such services, the clinic must have a separate operating room.
- The right criterion for choosing a dental clinic is completeness and comprehensive service.
- The criteria for choosing a doctor are experience with such operations.
- It is necessary to obtain reliable information about the number of successfully performed operations and the percentage of unimplanted implants.
- As evidence of experience (albeit indirect), documentary evidence will come in handy: diplomas, certificates, certificates of advanced training.