Swallowed a tooth crown

The dental crown, no matter what material it is made of, has a certain service life.
Even if, according to the manufacturer, it is quite long, thanks to the material and manufacturing technology of the structure, but still it is limited.
Replacement or reinstallation of crowns should be carried out approximately every 10 years, otherwise you can inevitably replenish the list of people who are frantically looking for an answer on the Internet to the question: “Swallowed a crown from a tooth, what should I do?”.
Why does the crown fall
There may be several reasons for the uncementation of the crown:
- The cement on which the crown was fixed has expired.
- Structural failure due to increased load.
- Crowns often fall out after fixing to temporary cement.
What complications may arise
It is necessary to understand what is the danger of getting the crown into the human digestive tract.
The materials from which dental structures are made are not toxic.
But chips and sharp edges can cause unpleasant consequences.
Therefore, if the crown has been swallowed partially or in full, you should immediately contact a gastroenterologist, surgeon, or at least the nearest emergency room.
The danger of this situation is that if foreign bodies enter the digestive tract, complications such as:
- Perforation of the wall of the digestive tract.
- Bleeding caused by trauma to the walls of the digestive system.
- Intestinal obstruction.
If assistance measures are not taken on time, the outcome can be fatal.
What to do
The specialist will conduct an x-ray examination and, based on the results, will recommend what to do next.
The results of the survey may have the following consequences:
- After a day or two, the problem will be solved naturally.
- Surgical extraction of the crown after all available conservative methods have been undertaken.
Clinical cases
- During the meal, the patient accidentally swallowed a crown held on temporary cement after three weeks of use. I went to the doctor, after the examination, the patient's condition was taken under control.
- Two hours after the visit to the dentist, the patient swallowed a crown fixed on the implant. In the process of x-ray examination, it turned out that the design is in the small intestine. They recommended that the patient wait until the crown comes out naturally.
- After a month ago, the patient swallowed a crown with a pin, and it still has not come out, he again went to the doctor. On the man’s hands were several pictures that indicated the location of the structure. All the time the patient was observed by a surgeon who rightly chose a wait-and-see tactic.Analyzes were regularly conducted, overview pictures for the subject of structural displacement, and other necessary examinations. A special diet, laxatives, enemas were prescribed. There was no result. According to the last image, the crown remained in the same place. Since at the time of treatment, the patient complained of stitching pains in the right iliac region, intensifying after eating, it was decided to undergo surgery.