How to care for veneers

After installing the veneers, they need careful care and periodic dental supervision.
Only proper handling of veneers can guarantee their long service life.
If veneers are made of ceramics, then their service life is unlimited. Wear of modern ceramic materials is the same as that of real teeth, but unlike them, ceramics are not exposed to caries.
And, nevertheless, the uncovered part of the tooth in violation of hygiene rules can undergo a carious process.
The surface of a veneer made of ceramic is so smooth that no plaque forms on it.
Therefore, caring for veneers is even simpler than for real teeth.
Do not think that the pads are attached to the teeth tightly and can withstand any load.
How to limit yourself
- Hard teeth, such as nutshells, caramel, etc., should not be bitten with teeth.
- Avoid hitting the installed veneers.
- Do not use abrasive cleaners for oral hygiene.
How to care for veneers immediately after installation:
- It is not recommended immediately after fixing the veneers to eat coloring products (coffee, tea, red wine, beets, blueberries, etc.) and smoke.
- The first time after installing the linings, you need to wait for rough food.
Care Rules
Care for veneers consists in performing traditional hygiene measures.
When caring for veneers, there are some points to keep in mind:

- Immediately after installing the linings, it is necessary to pay attention to the condition of the gums in the place of contact with the veneer. If there is discomfort or redness, you should immediately inform your doctor.
- Veneers, although they have all the properties necessary for the implementation of chewing loads, but it is undesirable to overload them.
- It is necessary that in the place of attachment to the tooth, the veneer fits perfectly to it. If there is a gap or roughness at the attachment of the pad to the tooth, you should immediately contact your dentist.
- If there are veneers on the teeth, you must carefully monitor the condition of the teeth and in case of suspected caries, you must immediately visit a doctor.
- It is also necessary to ensure that plaque does not accumulate in the place of attachment of the lining to the tooth, since its formation can provoke caries.
- If diction is disturbed after the installation of the plates, then in order to speed up the adaptation, it is recommended that you talk as much as possible.
- For toothbrushing, it is recommended to use toothpastes with a low content of abrasives.
- When practicing extreme sports, it is necessary to use special protective mouthguards.
Life time
If veneers made of composite material are installed, then after 3 - 5 years they will acquire an unaesthetic appearance and they will need to be replaced.
Ceramic linings have a longer service life, which directly depends on the proper care of them.
It is periodically recommended to undergo a professional toothbrushing, which will provide the best aesthetics and will allow to detect any changes at earlier dates.
Since there are a number of contraindications to the installation of veneers, a thorough dental examination precedes this procedure.