Micro prosthetics
Dental micro-prosthetics is a new direction in dentistry, the purpose of which is to preserve badly damaged teeth, improve their appearance and restore their function.
The difference between microprosthetics and methods already known to us:
Photo: tab for micro prosthetics The methods of tooth restoration used in microprosthetics are more gentle and in most cases do not affect adjacent teeth;
- inlays and onlays (structures used for tooth restoration) are made in the laboratory according to individual casts and are much more durable compared to the photo fillings and crowns we already know;
- Aesthetic dentistry is increasingly using the techniques used in microprosthetics to create a flawless look of teeth, the so-called "Hollywood smile."
Types of micro prosthetics
1. Adhesive prosthetics.
Adhesive prosthetics can replace one or two missing teeth with prostheses. Most often, fiberglass is used for prosthetics, which has a unique strength. This property makes it possible to make bridges with a long service life.
In addition, fiberglass microprosthetics make it possible to install a bridge in one visit to the dentist.
A fiberglass beam is attached to adjacent teeth with a special adhesive, a tooth is formed on the beam from light-curing material. Neighboring teeth are not depulpable. Microprosthetics of an absent tooth using fiberglass is especially indicated for those who have allergic reactions to the metal parts of dentures. The cost of a bridge made using fiberglass will be less than other prosthetics.
2. Micro prosthetics with veneers (overlays).
Veneers are thin plates that attach to the outer surface of the tooth and improve the appearance of the teeth. Microprosthetics with veneers can improve the shape and color of teeth, hide the area of abrasion and darkening of enamel, chips. So the pads perform a protective function, protecting the enamel from the aggressive effects of coffee, tea, cigarette smoke, physical influences. Microprosthetics of the front teeth with the help of overlays allows you to hide ugly gaps between the teeth.
3. Micro prosthetics tabs.
Micro prosthetics with tabs involves the use of special fillings that are made in the laboratory, have an aesthetic appearance and are much more durable and durable compared to conventional light fillings.
4. Denture micro prosthetics.
In the event that the tooth crown is destroyed and the root is healthy, micro prosthetics with the help of pins are used. The pin is placed in the root of the tooth and then a crown is formed on its basis.This method of prosthetics allows you to install the prosthesis of a destroyed tooth without turning the teeth on both sides of the crown to be installed.
Video: Nylon microprosthesis for an undeveloped tooth
Stages of micro prosthetics

The manufacture and installation of a microprosthesis is carried out in several stages. Typically, the patient needs to visit the dentist twice.
During the first visit, a diseased tooth is processed: the dead tissue in the carious lesion is removed, a cavity is formed, which will subsequently be closed by a tab.
When the cavity in the tooth is formed, on a special spoon on the teeth of both jaws, on one side, a hardening paste is applied to take impressions. A cast of a diseased tooth will be used for the manufacture of a microprosthesis, an impression from the second jaw will be used to precisely adjust the microprosthesis, especially its chewing surface, to the shape of the teeth of the opposite dentition.
The casts of the teeth and the color of the patient's enamel are transferred to the laboratory, where the dentist makes a micro prosthesis.
During the manufacture of a permanent microprosthesis (1-2 weeks), the cavity in the tooth is closed with a temporary filling.
During the second visit, the dentist checks how the manufactured micro-prosthesis is suitable in shape and color and installs it in the previously prepared tooth cavity.
Using the same algorithm, dentures can be made for installation on pins, veneers and temporary dentures of the Butterfly type.
Service life of fillings, pads, crowns and dentures

The advantage of microprosthetics is that all elements that replace tooth defects in microprosthetics are manufactured in the laboratory under conditions that cannot be reproduced in the human oral cavity.
Special conditions for the manufacture and processing of inlays and veneers ensure their polymerization 100%, greater strength, ease of construction (if we are talking about the manufacture of bridges), less damage to the tissues of the restored tooth during the installation of micro prostheses. All this greatly increases the service life of microprostheses.
On average, the lifespan of a fiberglass bridge is 5 years, tooth inserts 10-12 years, veneers more than 20 years.
The indicated dates can be shifted both to a smaller and a larger direction depending on the individual characteristics of the patient.
Indications and contraindications for microprosthetics
Microprosthetics are indicated in the following cases:
- the presence of significant tooth defects of carious and non-carious origin (30-50% of tooth tissue over the gum);
- for the prevention of increased tooth erasure;
- to reduce mobility and prevention of loosening of teeth with periodontal pathology;
- when the patient wants to improve the shape and color of the teeth for cosmetic purposes. In this case, the before and after photos are indicative, when an ordinary guy or girl suddenly becomes stars with a dazzling smile.
Contraindications for performing micro prosthetics are:
- poor oral hygiene;
- active and common carious process;
- insignificant depth of the cavity;
- the inability to ensure absolute dryness of the treated tooth surface.
Cost of services for micro prosthetics
The price of various types of micro prosthetics can differ not only depending on the degree of tooth damage, but also on the quality of materials, the qualifications of a dentist.
The cost of various types of micro prosthetics work varies from 4000 to 25000 rubles.
But the quality of microprostheses, their excellent aesthetic properties, durability and ease of care justify the costs of their manufacture and installation.