Clasp denture on the upper jaw

Clasp prosthesis - a design that restores the aesthetics and functionality of the teeth.
Clasp construction - this is the modern and most convenient method of removable prosthetics.
The prosthesis can be installed both on one jaw, and on both. Clasp constructions differ from other removable prostheses by thin openwork molding.
The design consists of a metal frame and arch, artificial teeth attached to the base (made of plastic), as well as from elements designed to fix the structure in the oral cavity.
Clasp prosthesis on the upper jaw, has a palatine bridge, which connects the saddle parts and helps to make the masticatory load close to physiological.
- Partial tooth loss in the presence of large gaps.
- End defects of the dentition.
- Teeth strengthening in periodontal diseases.
- Complete lack of teeth.
- Violation of chewing, diction, aesthetic unattractiveness due to lack of teeth.
- Increased abrasion of the teeth of the upper jaw.
- The presence of a flat sky.
- Lack of maxillary tubercles.
- If it is impossible to use other removable dentures.
- Diseases that reduce the resistance of capillaries in the area of the prosthetic bed.
Clasp prosthesis arch

Clasp arc position for the upper jaw depends on the defect of the dentition.
The arc can be located in the region of the anterior third, in the middle or the rear third of the sky.
Arc Functions:
- Connective.
- Stabilizing.
- Supporting.
There are three types of metal arc for the construction on the upper jaw.
Arc Shape:
- Horseshoe.
- Roundabout.
- In the form of a transverse strip.
The arc located on the upper jaw is called the palatine.
Horseshoe arch

If the palate is flat, alveolar processes are poorly expressed and end defects of the teeth are present - the arc has the appearance of a thin and wide plate.
This form of arc contributes to a better redistribution of the masticatory load.
Indications for the use of a horseshoe-shaped arc:
- The presence of increased gag reflex.
- To replace teeth with end defects.
- The impossibility of prosthetics of the front teeth with bridges.
- Splinting of teeth with their pathological mobility.
There are two forms of the metal arc in the anterior sections: collar and collarless.
- With a collar shape, the base of the structure, like a collar, is adjacent to the edge of the gums of the incisors and canines and can cause injury to the regional periodontium.
This form of arch is contraindicated in the presence of low clinical crowns of the front teeth, and is recommended for deep bite.
- With a collarless shape, the base of the prosthesis does not come into contact with natural teeth.
Ring arc

The circular arc is a more rigid structure. It is formed by two narrow stripes that are adjacent to the rear and front of the sky.
- Lack of long teeth.
- The presence of anatomical obstacles for the use of a separate arc.
The use of this type of arch is possible only in the absence of atrophic changes in the alveolar processes and the inclusion of a multi-link clasp in the design for better stabilization of the prosthesis.
Transverse palatine stripe

- With end and included defects of the dentition.
Contraindications and limitations:
- The presence of pronounced palatine torus.
- The presence of a gag reflex.
- Intractability, thinning of the mucous membrane of the hard palate.
- Bilateral end defects of long extent.

Upper clasp prosthesis can be fixed with locks or clasps.
Fixation methods are selected individually.
- Fixing structures with locks prevents the structure from moving. The advantages of locking are that they are not visible to others, even during a conversation and with a smile.
- The clasp type of fixation is less aesthetic. Clasps are quite reliably fixed to the support. Crowns and live teeth act as a support. With the complete absence of teeth in the mouth, implants can be installed and a clasp construction can be fixed to them with the help of clasps.
Prosthetics on implants are performed in the complete absence of teeth.
Video: Clasp prosthesis
Clasp prosthetics of the upper teeth successfully displaces laminar dentures, because it has a number of advantages:
- It does not completely cover the sky.
- Uniform distribution on teeth and gums.
- Compact clasp design.
- Quick adaptation to the prosthesis.
- There is no need to remove the prosthesis at night.
- Do not affect diction.
- Comfortable to use.
- Prosthetic stomatitis does not develop.
- There is no constant gag reflex.
Clinical case
A 64-year-old patient came to the clinic. On the upper and lower jaws nine years ago, metal-ceramic bridges were installed. Recently, mobility of the bridge on the upper jaw and bad breath have appeared.
During the examination, the destruction of the supporting teeth of the upper jaw was revealed.
In this situation, repeated prosthetics were required. The patient refused to have implantation for financial reasons. Of removable prostheses, arch prosthetics were most preferred.
During prosthetics at the initial stage, the destroyed abutment teeth, which were unsuitable for support, were removed. The remaining supporting teeth were treated and the canals were filled. Then, root tabs were installed on the supporting teeth, and ceramic-metal crowns with attachments were placed on top. The clasp prosthesis made was firmly fixed to the upper jaw.
Before and after photos
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