Contraindications and indications for arch prostheses

Today prosthetics with clasp prostheses is one of the urgent tasks of modern orthopedics.
The main group of patients requiring such prosthetics are people who have reached the age of 50 years and older. However, younger patients often choose a removable type of prosthetics.
Clasp prosthetics are indicated for long-term dentures with partially lost teeth, in the absence of the possibility of installing fixed structures.
Indications, planning and choice of clasp construction depend on the condition of the tissues of the prosthetic bed, abutment teeth, antagonist teeth, occlusion state, dentition defect and its length.
An important role is played by the general condition of the patient.
For each method of prosthetics, there is a list of contraindications.
Removable clasp prosthetics has practically no contraindications, but is impossible under the following conditions:

- Pathological processes in the field of periapical tissue of teeth intended for fixation of clasps.
- Severe atrophy of the alveolar processes.
- Fissure insufficiency for occlusal lining on the supporting teeth.
- The presence of low supporting teeth.
- Deep tooth bite.
- Lack of normal mucosal compliance at the site of missing teeth.
- Shallow placement of the bottom of the oral cavity.
- High attachment of the frenum of the tongue.
- Diabetes.
- Lack of supporting teeth.
- Intolerance to removable dental structure.
- Acute inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.
There are also relative contraindications to arch prosthetics, which may be temporary.
Clasp prostheses have temporary contraindications:

- Acute diseases of the oral cavity and the whole body.
- State of pregnancy.
- Addiction.
- The period after radiation therapy.
Contraindications can also be local, general, etc.
Local contraindications are:
- Lack of hygienic oral care.
- Diseases of the bone tissue of the jaws.
- Acute inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.
General contraindications:
- Severe diabetes.
- Oncological diseases.
- Respiratory diseases in the acute stage.
- Diseases of the cardiovascular system in the acute stage.
- Mental disorders.
In any case, most of the contraindications can be treated, and therefore, almost everyone who wants to can choose for themselves arch prosthetics.
The area of indications for the installation of a clasp prosthesis depends on the number of abutment teeth, suppleness, sensitivity of the mucous membrane of the gums, periodontal condition and the shape of the alveolar processes.
Indications for arch prosthetics:

- The presence of unilateral or bilateral end defects of the dentition.
- Included dentition defects.
- The inability to install a fixed structure.
- Teeth weakness associated with periodontal disease.
- The absence of one tooth.
- Replacement of the anterior teeth.
- Increased tooth wear.
- Indications for arch prosthesis treatment — loose teeth associated with periodontal disease. In this situation, a splint clasp prosthesis is used.
Questions and answers
Today clasp dentures are modern dental designs that can solve two problems: prosthetics and splinting.
In the presence of indications and the absence of contraindications to their use, patients, more often, are satisfied with them.
Clasp constructions allow not only restoring teeth, but also have a therapeutic and prophylactic effect: they prevent tooth loss.
Answers to frequently asked questions are given by specialists:
- Question: I am 30 years old, but I am already missing half my teeth. On the upper jaw are crowns. I use a plate prosthesis. The doctor offered to put implants. But at the moment I don’t have funds for the implantation procedure. Plate dentures cause a lot of inconvenience. I have a public work and there is no way to get used to these prostheses. Is it possible to carry out high-quality removable prosthetics. And what are the contraindications to it?
Answer: Modern types of dental prosthetics will help get rid of the discomfort associated with the use of laminar dentures. In the absence of several teeth, you can consider the option of nylon or clasp dental prosthetics, which are more aesthetic and convenient to use. And getting used to such structures is much faster than, for example, from acrylic plastic.
- Question: I want to install a removable denture, but I am allergic to metals. Which is better to choose a design?
Answer: Clasp prostheses contain metal parts. In this regard, it is better to make a choice in favor of a polyurethane, nylon or other non-metal structure.
- Question: How much does a prosthetic denture with a clasp construction on the half of the jaw cost?
Answer: The cost of the prosthesis will depend on the number of teeth to be restored. The construction price for a half jaw will be approximately 30,000 rubles, the cost of metal-ceramic crowns in the region of 5,000 rubles.
- Question: How many supporting teeth allows the installation of a removable denture?
Answer: Depending on the method of fastening the clasp, there are clasp or lock fixation, as well as on telescopic crowns. Depending on the number of teeth to be restored, prostheses for support may need from one to four teeth.
- Question: Is it possible to put a clasp prosthesis in the presence of gold crowns in the mouth?
Answer: Gold crowns can be used as abutments to fix the structure.