Suction cup prostheses

Suction Cup Dentures- These are removable dentures.
The design is fixed in the mouth using a vacuum effect of suction.
The dentures on the suction cups on the upper jaw hold very tightly, and on the lower - slightly worse.
Dentures with suction cups are increasingly used in dental prosthetics, because they have several advantages.
Advantages and disadvantages
Advantages of dentures with a suction effect:
- Relatively low cost.
- Good aesthetics. Dentures very accurately repeat the shape of the sky and the color of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity.
- Ease of use. Designs are made of plastic materials and, due to this, are better fit to the mucous membrane of the oral cavity.
- Do not rub the mucous membrane.
- Do not cause discomfort when using.
- They have a considerable period of use.
- Excellent restoration of chewing function. The design does not move during meals and talking.
- Security. Injuries to the tongue, cheeks and gums are excluded.
- The addiction to prostheses is painless and quick.
Disadvantages of prostheses with a suction effect:
- Unreliable fixation on the jaw.
- The design is not very convenient to care for - according to patients.
- Some materials used to make the structure can cause allergies.
Indications and contraindications
- The use of dental prostheses on suction cups is indicated for complete or partial absence of teeth.
- Relative contraindications are inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity.
Types of Suction Cup Dentures
The use of modern materials for the manufacture of prostheses with suction cups allowed to solve the problem of unattractive structures. Today, the types of dentures on the suction cups are completely different from those used by our grandmothers.
Designs with a suction mechanism are made of acrylic, nylon, polyurethane, polypropylene.
- The most common types of constructions are lamellar dentures made of acrylic plastic. The people often call them: "teeth on suction cups." The design of such a prosthesis has an insert of silicone, which is located between the prosthesis and the gum. It plays a cushioning role and distributes the load when chewing.
- The silicone insert of the prosthesis ensures its fixation on the jaw due to the suction effect. It is believed that acrylic constructions can be toxic to the body. They are also capable of causing an allergic reaction. Dentures are made of special plastic, which is intended for the manufacture of dentures for teeth. Plastic manufacturers such as "elfplast", "everloc", "tatkraft" is not used for the production of dental structures
- For allergy prone dentists, dentists are advised to use flexible nylon dentures.Soft nylon suction cup dentures do not break, have maximum resemblance to natural teeth, do not injure the enamel of the abutment teeth, and do not require preliminary turning of the abutment teeth. The material of nylon prostheses is non-hygroscopic, and therefore, they cannot become a medium for the life of microorganisms.
- Polyurethane designs, by far, are the most popular among other removable dentures. In terms of consumer properties and price, polyurethane prostheses are even better than nylon ones.
- Dentures made of polypropylene. Differ in durability and elasticity. Polypropylene has good ductility, due to which the structure fits well to the sky and does not move when talking. A frame is made from it, to which artificial teeth are attached.
Care and storage
So that removable dentures on the suction cups are always in good condition, they must be properly looked after.
- Due to the fact that the structure is easily removable, caring for it is not difficult.
- After removal, the prosthesis must be brushed with toothpaste and paste, and then placed in a specially prepared solution for disinfection. The structure can be cleaned with dental floss.
- After eating, the oral cavity must be rinsed with water.
Such care measures help to avoid complications from the use of prostheses and extend their life.
- Dentures are fixed on the jaws using a suction effect.
- There are special medical devices for fixing the structure, which can be bought at the pharmacy.
- With their help, you can easily fix the prosthesis on the jaw. Especially the help of the lower jaw is needed.
Life time
- In connection with the advent of new technologies in the field of plastics processing, removable constructions on suction cups have a longer service life than their predecessors.
- Suction cup dentures are quite soft, flexible and light. They are durable and durable, and therefore, it is impossible to break them.
- For a denture to have a longer service life, it is necessary that the patient undergo a physical examination 2 times a year. In this case: the average life of the prosthesis on the suction cups will be from 5 to 7 years. At the same time, any design requires correction.
Video: How reliable are removable dentures?
A suction cup denture, like any other design, can break.
The causes of breakdowns:
- Excessive mechanical load,
- Improper operation
- An undetected defect formed in the manufacture of the structure in time.
Repairing dentures for teeth is more profitable than manufacturing and installing new ones. If the prosthesis has already been used and the gums are already used to it, then it’s not worth it - at the first minor breakdown, immediately order a new set.
Prices for installing dentures on suction cups
How much do suction cup dentures cost?
- The price of suction cup constructions includes the cost of procurement material for the gingival part, a set of teeth, attachments and auxiliary materials.
- The price of prostheses from nylon is higher than from acrylic. This is due to the fact that they are made abroad.
- A variety of materials allows you to choose the most suitable version of the denture, individually for each patient.
- The cost of construction may depend on the individual characteristics of the denture.
Type of denture | Price |
One jaw acrylic prosthesis | From 15000 rub. |
Nylon denture on the upper or lower jaw | From 18000 rub. |
Nylon prosthesis for 1 to 3 teeth | 12,000 rub. |
With a complete absence of teeth, it often does not matter how much it costs to make a denture. More important is to restore the chewing function and restore the aesthetics of your appearance.
In this case, dentures made of nylon and acrylic will help to solve these problems.
Photos before and after installation
Suction Cup Dentures - Reviews
- When deciding on the choice of a denture, it makes sense to ask the opinion of people who have certain designs installed.
- It must be borne in mind that you should not fully focus on the feelings of other people.
- Each dental structure has its own advantages and disadvantages, which must be taken into account when choosing. For example, some patients do not fit dentures made of nylon, while others prefer acrylic designs.
- Nylon dentures have very conflicting reviews. Dentists give them preference, given their advantages. But some patients have difficulty getting used to them.
- Regarding acrylic dentures, patients characterize them positively.
- I am 63 years old. I installed the front teeth with suction cups. At first hissed a little, but then got used to it. Now everything is great. Very pleased with the design. (Sergei)
- I have a problem with the nylon prosthesis - it’s already 10 correction. The prosthesis was sawn into rags, and it is impossible to polish it. (Valery)
- I am happy with the prosthesis. Easy to use, very convenient. I can feel like a full-fledged person. (Victoria)
- The prosthesis is constantly bending. There are more negative design impressions than positive ones. (Olga)
- Dentures made of nylon, can be used as a temporary structure. (Natalya)
- I feel a lot of pressure on the mucous membrane in the area of the abutment teeth. (Michael)