One-tooth removable denture

Removable prosthetics in dentistry is used for complete or partial loss of teeth.
Most often, a removable denture is made to restore the teeth of the chewing group.
Similar designs can also be used in the absence of a single tooth.
A removable denture on one tooth is the most optimal and high-quality solution to this problem.
The removable design for one tooth can be made of various materials using different technologies.
The most optimal design for restoring one lost tooth is a removable butterfly prosthesis made of nylon.
According to most dentists, the advantages of this design are obvious and boil down to the following:

- The absence of metal parts in the product, so that the design has high elasticity.
- The prosthesis is easy to use and gently affects the mucous membrane of the gums.
- There is no need to prepare the abutment in order to establish the design.
- Strong enough fixation of the prosthesis in the oral cavity.
- High wear resistance of the material, which contributes to an increase in the service life of the structure.
End defect prosthetics
Most often, a person has end defects of the dentition. In this case, there is no supporting tooth on which a removable structure could be fixed.
This type of prosthetics is a rather complicated procedure.
In this case, the prosthesis is fixed on only one tooth. This design is often able to slide off the movement of the tongue and when chewing.
Therefore, in order for the prosthesis to be stable, a nylon lock construction is used.
For this purpose, a ceramic-metal crown with one of the parts of the castle located on it is fixed to the extreme abutment tooth. The second half of the castle is mounted in a nylon prosthesis. When connecting the two parts at the time of putting on the structure, the lock latches, reliably holding the prosthesis in the mouth when chewing, talking, etc.
Prosthetics Steps

- The doctor's consultation. At the first visit to the dentist, an anamnesis is collected and an examination of the patient’s dentition is performed.
- Based on the results obtained, the type of removable structure and the shade of the artificial tooth are selected. A treatment plan is being drawn up.
- If necessary, supporting teeth are prepared for prosthetics.
- Then the dentist with the help of a special spoon and cast impression takes an impression of the prosthetic bed.
- Manufacturing designs in the dental laboratory.
- Fitting and adjustment of the design.
- The finished prosthesis is passed to the patient.
Installation of the structure is one of the crucial moments in prosthetics.
The doctor fixes the finished removable denture on one tooth in the patient's oral cavity, checking how well the structure has sat down.
At the time of fitting and for some time, the patient may feel uncomfortable when using the prosthesis. After some time, the removable design should become as comfortable as its teeth.
Routine inspection
Before passing the finished prosthesis to the patient, the doctor will explain in detail the care of the structure and give recommendations for use, the implementation of which will allow the holder of the prosthesis to get used to it faster.
In this case, the patient will be asked to visit the dentist after six months to conduct a routine examination of the oral cavity and condition of the structure, and, if necessary, conduct timely correction.