Dental Implant Warranty

There is always a percentage probability of implant rejection.
And what to do in such a situation? Who to contact?
How and at whose expense will the implants be reinstalled?
These are questions that very often patients want to get an answer before deciding to install implants.
The thing is that implantation is a rather complicated and lengthy process.
The successful outcome of implantation depends on many factors, as well as the individual characteristics of the organism of a single patient.
Dentists cannot give a 100% guarantee of the success of implantation. There is always, albeit a small, but probability of risk.
However, if you take care of your safety in advance, then the possibility of re-implantation will be minimized.
First of all, we are talking about patient awareness.
The success of implantation depends on the following points:
- The right clinic.
- Adequate assessment of indications and contraindications for implantation.
- Awareness of the patient about their rights and warranty obligations of this medical institution.
Officially, the implant manufacturers warranty lasts for decades.
In fact, their service life is influenced by: the work of the doctor, the general condition of the body, as well as the quality of care for the structures.
Implant rejection often occurs because patients do not follow the doctor’s recommendations for the care of artificial teeth and is about 15%.
Dental Implant Warranty is provided by the clinic in which the implants were installed.
Usually it is less than the service life, which is determined by the manufacturer and is only one year.
Implant Warranty

- The implant manufacturer company provides a guarantee for the design itself.
- The implant warranty varies from ten to twenty years.
- The maximum guarantee for the design is lifetime.
Such a guarantee extends mainly to the case of implant rejection only if it is associated with a design quality problem.
In this case, after removal of the titanium root and restoration of bone tissue, a new implant will be installed, and absolutely free of charge, at the expense of the manufacturer.
In our country there are few of them, while most foreign companies have their own representative offices, which enables them to conclude contracts with dental clinics and provide the maximum guarantee for dental implants.
When signing a contract for dental implantation, it is necessary to carefully study the clause regarding warranty obligations.
It is in it that the conditions under which a free reinstallation of implants are performed are prescribed.
It is often difficult for the patient to prove that changes in the design occurred due to the fault of the dentist.
Therefore, it is very important to follow the recommendations of the implantologist: to properly care for the structures and regularly undergo a routine examination.
For dental implants, a guarantee is also provided for dentures.
For work related to the manufacture and fixation of prostheses, subject to proper care and regular preventive examination, a guarantee of 1 - 2 years is given.
You must understand that the service life of structures and the official warranty are two different things.
If the warranty on implant is ten years, then its service life is life.
With sufficient care for the structures, with the exception of various kinds of displacement and damage as a result of injuries or shock, then, according to the assurance of the manufacturers themselves, there will be no need to adjust the artificial roots.
As for prostheses, the service life:
- ceramic-metal prostheses from 10 to 12 years,
- all-ceramic - from 5 to 7,
- prostheses made of metal-plastic - from 3 to 5.
Removable dentures must be replaced every ten to fifteen years, and those made of zirconium can last twenty years or more.
It is important to know that when replacing the prosthesis, the implant is saved and it is not necessary to reinstall it.
Video: “Dental implants: indications, recommendations, prices”
How to choose a clinic

Implant placement is an expensive operation.
This is known to both patients and dishonest dentists, who sometimes enjoy the trust and lack of patient vigilance.
The legislation of Russia does not regulate implantology as an independent type of activity.
In order to provide such services to the public does not require a separate license, diploma and other permits.
In this regard, any intern dentist who has just learned to fill his teeth can impersonate an implantologist.
And any clinic that does not even have special equipment for such operations can offer implantation services.
A patient who does not understand the intricacies of implant implantation, who has entrusted to a specific dentist, because this doctor was recommended to him by friends, can easily fall into the hands of such "specialists."
- The clinic specialized in implantation always has its own x-ray and other equipment necessary for implantation and prosthetics.
- In addition to titanium structures, most leading manufacturers of implants also manufacture tools for their implantation.
- Manufacturing companies conduct regular training seminars and courses on working with materials and equipment.
- After completing the courses, the trained dentist receives a special certificate.
Therefore, before deciding on a particular dental clinic, you need to ask if the implantologist has such documents.
In the process of talking with the dentist, do not be shy to ask questions, even concerning any trifles.
Implantation is a surgical operation in which there can be little things.
- It is imperative that before choosing a clinic, during a preliminary conversation with a doctor, you must read the contract, which will subsequently be signed.
- In this case, special attention should be paid to points regarding guarantees in case the implantation process is not successful.
- If the clinic re-installs implants for free, then this increases the level of trust in it. Usually, in such a clinic highly qualified specialists work.
- An institution that has a high turnover and a low percentage of rejection of titanium structures can afford the free implant reinstallation service.
The conditions under which the implant will be reinstalled should be specified in the contract.
Criteria for choosing a clinic and doctor

- The presence of permits for implantation at the clinic (license for surgical intervention, permission of SES).
- Opening hours of this clinic. You need to find out how long this clinic has been practicing implant placement.
- A track record of the doctor who will perform the implantation. You can directly ask how many implants were installed, and what was their percentage of survival.
- To pay attention to the presence of certificates, diplomas and a number of certificates of advanced training for this doctor.
- An important point is the doctor’s approach to implantation. The implantologist, as well as the patient, should first of all be concerned about the final result of the work done, not only from a functional, but also from an aesthetic point of view.
- Pay attention to this point: how specialists of this clinic are ready to solve complex problems. If doctors refuse to perform implantation due to atrophic changes in bone tissue, thinning of the jawbone or an unfavorable location of the maxillary sinuses, this suggests that the specialists of this clinic simply sign their own impotence.
- For the operation, the clinic should be equipped with a separate operating room, as well as high-quality equipment for diagnostics (there should be an apparatus for obtaining a panoramic image and a computer tomograph). If there is no such equipment in the clinic, then this indicates that the installation of implants in this institution has been recently and not much. You should not agree to implantation of implants, if for the diagnosis there will be something less than 3D diagnostics. Only by the results of a three-dimensional image can a doctor choose the right direction and evaluate the situation adequately.
- The guarantees that the dental clinic is ready to provide must be real. If the clinic easily makes promises about the very long life of the implants, this should alert the patient. Titanium structures alone will not just stand if their owner does not make his own efforts to care for the implants, will visit the dentist at least once every three months, do an x-ray at the time prescribed by the doctor, and change the prostheses installed on the implants in a timely manner. Only under these conditions it is possible to obtain a guarantee for 10 years or even more, in the absence, of course, of any serious health problems.
- The cost of installing implants in different clinics is different. No need to chase cheapness. If the treatment is carried out by professionals, then various manipulations with the teeth will be characterized by excellent quality. The cost in such a clinic will be higher, but implantation is not the case when it makes sense to save on your own health.
Patient examination

Before implantation is performed, the patient must undergo an examination.
This is necessary in order to identify the presence of indications and contraindications for the installation of implants.
The doctor must make sure that the operation is possible in order to prevent undesirable consequences.
- For this, the doctor collects a general and dental history. In the case of chronic diseases, a specialist consultation is appointed. At the first visit to the dentist, the patient should be examined by an implantologist, orthopedist, surgeon and anesthetist.
- The patient is also taken a panoramic picture of the jaws and tested for the presence of an allergic reaction to the alloys that will be used in prosthetics. Medical titanium, which is used to make implants, does not cause allergies.
- You need to know that in the presence of any chronic diseases, even those that are not related to the teeth, it is necessary to inform the doctor about their presence.
During the implantation process, it is recommended that you follow the recommendations of the dentist with all responsibility.