What is better veneers or crowns

Very often, patients who decide to restore the dentition are faced with a choice: which is better, veneers or crowns?
In fact, the choice of a particular method of tooth restoration is decided individually and depends on the problem.
In fact, the competition between clinics and dentists is now so great that they easily follow patients' preferences. However, self-respecting specialists will definitely make a decision on a particular method of tooth restoration after a thorough examination and diagnosis.
When choosing a method of tooth restoration, the degree of its destruction is important.
For instance:
- If the tooth is less than half destroyed, it can be restored with veneer, but if the tooth decay has a large area, then a crown is required.
- In the presence of significant tooth damage with caries and cracks, also can not do without fixing the crown.
- For restoration of teeth located in the “smile zone”, the best choice of restoration will be the installation of veneers.
To make the right choice in favor of a particular method of tooth restoration, you must have an idea of what veneers are and when their installation is contraindicated.
What are veneers
These are dental plates intended for facing the front surface of teeth. Their difference from crowns is that they do not cover the entire surface of the tooth.
Teeth covered with veneers have a more beautiful shape and natural color.
When apply
Installation of veneers is shown:

- In the presence of traumatic chips of tooth enamel.
- If there are visible gaps between the teeth.
- With a wedge-shaped defect.
- In case of irregular tooth shape.
- If there are old fillings on the tooth surface that differ in color from the rest of the teeth.
- If there are stains on the teeth that are not amenable to whitening.
- If the teeth change color as a result of medication.
- With abrasion of tooth enamel.
- If the tooth enamel has darkened as a result of root canal treatment using outdated methods.
When installing veneers is not recommended
Veneer pads are not used in the following cases:
- In the presence of the wrong bite.
- If there is pathological abrasion of the teeth.
- In the presence of an extreme lifestyle.
- If there are no chewing teeth.
- In the case of dental treatment with resorcinol, the formalin method. In this case, the vinyl linings will not hold.
- If the patient has bad habits that can lead to damage to the veneers.
- With severe tooth decay or the presence of large fillings on its inner surface.
In the latter case, the tooth is shown the installation of the crown, which can be combined with vinyl records. In this case, crowns are installed on teeth with severe destruction, and veneers are placed on nearby ones. The only condition is the manufacture of crowns and veneers from the same material so that they cannot be distinguished.
What to choose for tooth restoration: veneers or crowns? To answer this question, we consider the main advantages of veneer linings over crowns.
Benefits of Veneers

- When installing the veneer, the nerve is not removed, and the tooth is sharpened only on one side. As a result, the tooth remains alive. When processing a tooth under veneer, 0.3 - 0.5 mm enamel is removed.
- If the tooth is being prepared for the installation of a crown, then 1.5 - 2.0 mm of hard tooth tissue is removed, and depulpation is often performed.
- The aesthetic effect is much higher than when installing the crown.
- The manufacture and installation of veneers takes place in a maximum of two visits to the doctor.
- A smile looks more natural and teeth covered with veneers are completely indistinguishable from real teeth.
- Before installing the veneers, a preliminary computer simulation is carried out, which allows you to see the result, which makes it possible to take into account all the wishes of the patient.
There is only one drawback of veneers before crowns - high cost.
It should be borne in mind that veneers can only be installed on the front teeth (10 teeth on the upper jaw and the same number on the lower).
Crowns must be placed on chewing teeth.