Safe Teeth Whitening

Any person feels confident if his smile is snow-white and beautiful.
But what to do for those who, due to some circumstances, have to hide their teeth from others?
And not every person can afford professional teeth whitening.
You can, of course, whiten your teeth at home, but how do you know which whitening is the safest?
When can’t teeth be whitened?
Not all people can afford to make their smile perfect, and this is due to the fact that this procedure is contraindicated for one group of patients, and for others it will be ineffective.
Do not bleach in the following cases:
- In the presence of increased tooth sensitivity.
- If the front teeth have fillings or crowns. As a result of whitening, the restoration will be darker than natural teeth.
- In the presence of a gray or brown shade of enamel. Such teeth are difficult to whiten.
Is there a safe way to brighten?
Dental clinics offer many methods of whitening procedures.
Moreover, you can change the color of the teeth by a couple of shades or give them a completely white color.
It all depends not only on the desire of the patient, but also on financial capabilities.
In addition, do not forget that after such a procedure, the manifestation of negative consequences is possible.
According to dentists, not all methods are aggressive, which means that there are safe technology.
Laser application

Recently, dental whitening has been increasingly used in dentistry..
This is one of the fastest ways to brighten enamel, in which the risk of damage to it is minimized.
Most dental offices offer modern methods that exclude damage to tooth enamel after the laser bleaching procedure.
For example, before bleaching is performed, the dentist applies a special gel to the tooth enamel, which contains hydrogen peroxide.
- Under the influence of a laser beam, the gel becomes active, and the released oxygen brightens the enamel.
- The duration of the procedure directly depends on what effect is necessary to achieve as a result of the procedure.
Laser teeth whitening is carried out in several stages:
- No more than a week before the prescribed procedure, the doctor will prescribe oral hygiene.
- At the beginning of the procedure, the dentist applies a protective agent to the gums that prevents burns of the mucous membrane.
- The patient put on goggles in the eyes.
- A whitening gel is applied to the front surface of the teeth, which will whiten the teeth under the influence of a laser beam.
Zoom system

This method, according to the dentists, is also safe.
- The procedure is carried out in several stages, like laser whitening.
- The activation of the whitening gel is carried out using ultraviolet light.
- The system provides for the processing of enamel with amorphous calcium phosphate.
Tooth brightening at home
To get the same result as with cabinet whitening will be almost impossible.
But with home lightening, an undoubted advantage is that with some methods, the aggressive effect on the enamel will be negligible.
There are many ways to whiten your teeth yourself, but you must remember that many of them can have a destructive effect on enamel.

Among home remedies for safely whitening teeth, the following can be distinguished:
- The use of whitening toothpaste, which can be used no more than one month a year. But pasta, at best, can only remove plaque.
- Teeth whitening with hydrogen peroxide. The whitening effect of 3% peroxide is negligible, but quite safe. You can use it yourself, using a cotton swab, or after brushing your teeth, rinse your mouth with a solution prepared from the calculation: 20 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide dissolved in 50 ml of water.
- Activated carbon can also be used to brighten tooth enamel. The tablets should be crushed into powder and brush their teeth with a toothbrush. Its use is also safe for teeth.
- The use of tea tree oil is one of the safest methods of exposure to teeth for the purpose of whitening. Tea tree oil has advantages: it does not injure the gums, does not destroy enamel, freshens the oral cavity, and has a bactericidal effect. It is used after brushing your teeth: apply a few drops to the toothbrush and brush your teeth again. It can also be used as a rinse by dissolving a few drops of oil in warm water.
- Teeth whitening with strawberries. The berry is mashed and applied to the surface of the teeth like toothpaste.
- The use of herbs. There are herbs that not only remarkably whiten teeth, but have a therapeutic effect on the oral cavity. Such herbs are sage and basil. Plants are ground into powder and used for brushing teeth.
Home bleaching agents that can cause damage not only to enamel, but also to the mucous membranes of the oral cavity:
- The use of soda. The method is fast enough and effective, but you need to use soda with great care.
- Teeth whitening with lemon. It gives a good whitening effect, but can have a harmful effect on enamel.
- The use of salt to give teeth whiteness. Salt is a strong abrasive, so it can leave scratches on the enamel and lead to its thinning and destruction.
As a result of the uncontrolled use of these products, the tooth enamel becomes thinner and they become susceptible to hot and cold. These processes are irreversible.
Video: “Cheap and cheerful: A real smile”