Denture coregum

The German company Korega (Corega) is a manufacturer of products used to care for removable dentures.
Korega produces tablets for cleaning removable structures and means for fixing them. The composition of the tablets contains active ingredients that have a cleansing, disinfecting and refreshing effect.
Regular use of tablets can extend the life of prostheses.
Cream and other Korega products are used to fix the prosthesis, filling the free space between the gums and the structure that forms when it is installed.
Pills Korega
The composition of the tablets contains: sodium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, sodium perborate, PVC-30, citric acid, proteolytic enzymes, sodium benzoate, sodium lauryl sulfoacetate, potassium monopersulfate, polymethylsiloxane, polyethylene glycol 8000, peppermint essential oil, tetraacetylethylenediamine, citric acid, blue dye.
Release form: effervescent tablets of 6 pieces each in cell packaging and in cardboard packaging - 30 pieces each.
Pharmacological action of the drug: tablets are used to cleanse, disinfect, and have a deodorizing effect.
- Regular use of tablets to clean the prosthesis allows you to maintain its original appearance and extend the life of the device.
- The active substances that make up the tablets allow you to remove stubborn stains of coffee, tea, tobacco smoke, as well as food particles stuck in inaccessible places to clean with a brush.
- The disinfecting effect of tablets helps prevent the development of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.

- Preparation of a solution for disinfection of a denture.
- To remove bacterial plaque and stains from the structure.
- Prevention of inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity in people using removable dentures.
- To ensure oral cleanliness and fresh breath.
There are no contraindications to the use of tablets to clean dentures. Pregnancy is not a contraindication for the use of Korega tablets as a cleanser.
Side effect
There is evidence that with insufficient rinsing of the structure from the cleaning agent, hyperemia of the mucous membrane, burning sensation and irritation at the site of contact of the prosthesis with the mucous membrane, and also a change in taste are possible.
Instruction manual

- Before using Korega tablets, it is necessary to clean the structure of food debris using a toothbrush.
- In a glass of warm water, dissolve 1 tablet of Korega.
- In a freshly prepared solution, lower the prosthesis, previously cleaned of residues of food particles.
- For clarification - the structure is kept in solution for 15 minutes.
If necessary, sterilize the prosthesis (dissolve 8 tablets in a glass of water) - leave in solution overnight
Precautionary measures
After cleaning, thoroughly rinse the prosthesis with running water for several minutes, then dry it with a paper towel.
It is strictly forbidden to carry out the treatment of the prosthesis in the oral cavity with the drug.
Cream Korega
Cream, as well as Korega gel and glue for dentures are used to fix the structure on the gums.
The tool fills the empty spaces formed during the installation of the prosthesis.
With the help of fixing means it is provided:

- Reliable design fixation.
- Prevents gum rubbing.
- There is no possibility of damage to the gums (excluding food under the construction).
- Reducing the likelihood of inflammation and gum irritation when using the prosthesis.
- The ability to accurately spot the product onto the prosthesis.
- Long-term fixation of the structure up to 24 hours.
Cream composition
Cream Korega consists of: Na – Mg-Zn mixed salt of methylvenyl ester maleic acid, gum, petrolatum, liquid paraffin, silicon, menthyl lactate, menthol, flavor, color.
- Cream, glue or gel Korega is recommended for people who use removable dentures.
- In the absence of the possibility of correction of the dental structure.
- Recommended for use until the next fit.
A contraindication to use is the presence of individual intolerance to the drug.
Pregnancy and lactation are not a contraindication to the use of Korega.
Video: “Korega Cream”
Side effect
- When using a fixing cream, salivation may be enhanced.
- The appearance of nausea.
- An allergic reaction to the components of the fixative.
Before using a fixative, in order to prevent side effects, it is necessary to consult with your dentist.
Interaction with other medicines
The use of Korega fixation agents does not affect the adsorption, action, and metabolism of other drugs.
When using Korega fixative, the simultaneous use of dietary supplements containing zinc is not recommended.
Despite the fact that zinc must be ingested in the required amount, its overabundance can lead to intoxication of the body.
Signs of zinc poisoning: worsening of health, drowsiness, lethargy, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Therefore, before using fixing means Korega, you must consult with a specialist.
The cream is available in several types:
- Cream (Corega) Korega for dentures with a refreshing taste (contains menthol).
- Cream Korega extrafixation (for strong fixation) of dentures.
- Cream Korega (Corega) neutral taste (no smell and taste).
Instruction manual

- Before applying the cream to the prosthesis, the structure must be clean and dry.
- The cream is applied using the tip - dispenser pointwise to the denture recesses once a day.
- Before installing the structure, rinse the oral cavity.
- After that, insert the prosthesis into the oral cavity and firmly press it to the jaw, holding it for several seconds, biting it several times.
- Using an oil-soaked napkin, remove excess cream from the structure and gums.
- Close the tube tightly after use.
- After removing the structure from the jaw, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the prosthesis from the cream.
- special instructions
- The lid of the tube is not recommended to be washed or taken with wet hands.
Patients using Korega preparations to fix removable structures notice a decrease in irritation and gum abrasions.
Especially effective are the cases when the patient cannot consult the dentist in time to adjust the design.
In rare cases, the use of cream can cause side effects.
When using cleaning tablets, in case of incomplete removal of the solution from the surface of the structure, patients noted irritation, burning and hyperemia of the gums at the site of contact with the prosthesis.
- When my teeth began to fall out, I was desperate. It seemed to me that it was all over. In general, I was shy not only to smile, but also to talk. After much persuasion from relatives, I went to the dentist to make a denture. When I got a prosthesis, my joy knew no bounds. But it turned out - not so simple. I used different creams to fix the prosthesis, but they did not hold the structure for as long as required. This was very inconvenient. But on the advice of a doctor, I tried to use Korega cream. I felt comfort right away. When using Korega, I know that the cream will not fail. I am very glad that I forgot about the problems associated with the use of the prosthesis.
- Recently acquired removable dentures. On the advice of the dentist I use Korega cream to fix the prosthesis. The advantages of the cream noticed immediately. When using the cream, I do not feel any discomfort when wearing. The prosthesis is easily attached and removed. One application per day is enough for eating food of any hardness, self-confidence. One tube lasts for three weeks.
- I tried to use Korega cream for fixing prostheses, as well as cleansing tablets. The cream is refreshing and neutral a bit weak. I tried an extra-strong fixation cream - it holds the prosthesis well. The main thing is that you need to choose the right cream.
- My mother used Korega cream to fix the prosthesis. I didn’t like the cream. It is soluble in water, washed off with any liquid.
- I have been using fixing cream for over a year. At first, the cream held the prosthesis very well; it could be worn for more than a day. Now the cream lasts only a few hours, reacts to hot food.
- I have foamy saliva from Korega cream, a couple of hours after fixation, the prosthesis starts to fly off.
- It so happened that I lost a lot of teeth. They made a prosthesis. The doctor for comfortable use recommended using Korega cream for fixation. One application of the cream is enough for a whole day. I forget that I have removable dentures. It fixes poorly if applied in large quantities or very little, and also if the prosthesis is poorly dried. I eat everything and drink it hot. In order for the cream to fix well, you must strictly follow the instructions.
Denture coregum | Price (rub.) |
Extra strong mint cream, volume 40 ml, Ireland | 170 – 240 |
Korega bioformula (tablets No. 30) Stafford Millar | 150 – 200 |
Korega Dental White No. 30 whitening tablets (UK) | 210 – 240 |
Cream neutral taste 40ml, Stafford Miller, | 220 — 240 |
Korega tablets for cleaning partial dentures No. 30 (Ireland) | 230 — 250 |