Cleaning dentures at home

The aesthetic appearance, functionality and durability of a denture primarily depend on the careful attitude to it and the choice of care products.
Like regular oral hygiene, cleaning dentures at home should be regular and done at least twice a day.
Denture cleansing should include:
- Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to clean the structure of plaque and food debris. Especially thorough cleansing must be carried out at the site of contact of the structure with the gum. Movement and brush pressure on this part of the prosthesis should be gentle without strong pressure.
- The use of specially selected toothpaste.
- To detect residues on the prosthesis of bacterial plaque, special tablets are used that serve as an indicator for the detection of plaque.
- The use of a disinfectant solution designed to clean dentures.
Ideally, removable dentures should be cleaned after each meal, but since this is not always possible, a thorough thorough cleaning is allowed twice.
To preserve the attractive appearance of the denture for a long time, it is necessary:
- Carefully choose a denture and oral hygiene product.
- Carry out daily hygienic care of the structure. When cleaning, pay special attention to places where tartar deposition most often occurs. Places of the most favorite plaque deposits are the lateral surfaces of the upper and lower teeth.
- Regularly carry out professional cleansing of the prosthesis (at least twice a year).
How to clean from plaque
It often happens that plaque forms on the surface of the dental structure. If it is not removed from the prosthesis in time, then it can smoothly switch to healthy teeth and cause an inflammatory process.

- Since plaque often forms in hard-to-reach places, it is necessary to use dental floss and brushes in addition to the toothbrush. In order to clean the prosthesis qualitatively, it is necessary to pay at least 10 minutes to the cleaning procedure.
- To clean the prosthesis from plaque, tablets for cleaning dentures will be required. The cleaning of nylon prostheses and acrylic plastic is carried out using special tablets that can be bought at the pharmacy. They are intended both for cleansing and for whitening dentures.
- The method of using the cleaning tablets is quite simple: it is necessary to dissolve the tablet in a glass of water and put a removable denture in this solution. Using such a solution, it is possible to achieve complete purification of the structure.
- If, for example, cleaning is required from nicotine or tartar, then at home, the procedure using cleaning tablets will be ineffective. In this case, you need the help of a dentist who will remove stains and tartar from the prosthesis by applying ultrasound.
Removal of plaque folk remedies
In some cases, if there are no tablets at hand, then you can use folk remedies:
- Leave the denture for two hours in vinegar. But this method is often not recommended, because vinegar has a negative effect on the strength of the dental structure.
- Squeeze the juice from a quarter of the lemon and mix it with toothpowder or toothpaste. Apply to the structure for twenty minutes. Then thoroughly clean it with the same paste. Rinse well under running water.
- You can add a little mouthwash or a little lemon juice to the water to store the prosthesis.
Some denture owners are interested in: can tooth structures be cleaned with soda?
According to experts, soda does not have any cleansing effect on the prosthesis.
- I constantly use tablets to clean the fittent dentures. Well cleaned. Dentures after lying in solution have a pleasant smell.
- I use Korega tablets to clean the structures, it takes no more than half an hour to do everything. After cleansing, everything is perfect. It is only necessary to follow the instructions.
- For a long time I could not pick up cleaning tablets for dentures. I use tablets President. Most liked the result.
- I regularly use tablets to clean fittent dentures. Prices are quite reasonable. The tablets are convenient to use and give excellent results.