Nylon dentures

Nylon dentures Is a modern design made from special("Dental")nylon, which allows you to restore missing teeth.
Today, few can boast of healthy and strong teeth. The absence of one or more teeth should not be cause for sadness.
Modern orthopedic Dentistry Using the latest methods of prosthetics, you can return a beautiful smile. This can be done using nylon dentures.
Nylon in its composition does not contain toxic substances, is not contaminated with bacteria and does not cause allergies. It is a durable, lightweight and flexible material, so prostheses from it are very convenient to use.
The aesthetics of nylon prostheses is based on their disguise as the color of the gums and invisible fixation for others. The supporting structures of the prostheses ("clasp") are also made of nylon and therefore not visible to prying eyes. The manufacturing technique allows you to give the nylon prostheses a correct and comfortable fit and strong fixation. In this regard, they are lightweight and comfortable to wear even in the absence of teeth. Dentures do not injure the surrounding gums and teeth. Before applying them, the teeth do not need turning. All this creates comfort and allows you to quickly get used to the design.
Types of Nylon Prostheses

Dentures can eliminate dental defects. They are divided into removable and fixed structures. With complete loss of teeth, whole structures are used, and partial - with a lack of one or more teeth.
Despite the wide variety of removable dentures, elastic nylon prostheses more popular.
Types of nylon prostheses are presented in the photo.
If for any reason one, two or three teeth are missing, the best solution to this problem is a removable butterfly prosthesis. This solution is very convenient if you need a design for one tooth.
Pros and Cons of Nylon Dentures
Despite the shortcomings, elastic dentures better than other designs. Consider the pros and cons of dentures made of nylon.
Advantages of Nylon Dentures:
- Hypoallergenic design.
- Clasps are made in the color of the gums and are not noticeable when talking and smiling, which ensures their high aesthetics. For this reason, nylon prostheses are called "invisible prostheses."
- Fastenings of nylon prostheses ensure their sufficient fixation in the oral cavity.
- Nylon dentures are flexible, flexible and easy to use, which ensures patient comfort.
- Over time, the structure during operation does not change the original color and shape. It is impossible to break nylon prostheses, but if damage still occurred, they cannot be corrected.
Disadvantages of Nylon Dentures:
- When care is necessary to use special products designed to care for nylon prostheses. Structures cannot be cleaned with a toothbrush and toothpaste, as scratches may appear on the surface.
- Atrophic changes in bone tissue and the appearance of "abrasion" of the oral mucosa are possible.
- With prolonged use of this type of prosthesis, injury is possible.
- In the process of chewing food, the entire pressure burden falls on the oral mucosa, which leads to the destruction of the marginal gum of the tooth and the formation of an inflammatory process in it.
- Since the nylon prosthesis has a flexible frame, chewing pressure is not evenly distributed and is transmitted only to that part of the mucosa that is under the “working” part of the prosthesis. As a result, atrophy of bone tissue and subsidence of the prosthesis occur, after which the patient begins to experience pain and discomfort.
- The impossibility of repair and correction of nylon prostheses.
Nylon or acrylic dentures?
Which prostheses are better nylon or acrylic? It is impossible to unequivocally answer this question. Nylon prostheses are an excellent alternative to acrylic plastic dentures. In case there are more lost teeth than those saved, then an acrylic prosthesis will be the best choice.

The elasticity and flexibility of nylon prostheses is not always a virtue. Maximum strength can provide only those prostheses that are made of hard plastics. But, of course, this is not a reason to completely abandon dentures made of nylon.After all soft nylon dentures possess a number of advantages. It is also easier to adapt to this type of prosthesis, while getting used to acrylic prostheses can drag on not only for weeks, but also for months.
Denture repair
Unfortunately, dentures sometimes require repairs. There are a number of reasons leading to damage to the prosthesis:
- Initially improperly made orthopedic design.
- A large load on the prosthesis during its operation.
- Fatigue of construction.
- Incomplete fit of the frame or base to the teeth.
- Violation of the rules for the care of the prosthesis.
Repair of nylon dentures It is solved simply if you deal with a reliable dental clinic that cares about its reputation and the health of patients. For dentures to serve for a long time, the rules for their use must be observed.
Installation of nylon prostheses
What does the process of manufacturing a nylon prosthesis look like? Nylon prostheses are made for each patient individually. The doctor using a special mass makes an impression. A model of the jaw is cast from a plaster cast. Based on the obtained impression, the specialist creates a prosthesis.
Installation of nylon prostheses shown if you are afraid to grind your teeth or install implants. Then it is worth choosing this particular method of prosthetics.
Nylon dental prosthetics are in stable demand today.Nylon dentures even children.
In the case when there is nothing to attach removable prostheses to, implants are used that are implanted into the bone and become a support for the prosthesis. Removable implant prostheses have advantages. Thanks to them, the prosthesis service life is increased by 2 times.
Life time
On average, removable dentures made of nylon last about 5 years with proper care. Care involves regular cleaning with special paste and cleaning baths.
The price of dentures is determined by many factors. It depends on the material used for the manufacture of the prosthesis, the quality of the manufactured prosthesis by a dental technician, the qualifications of an orthopedic dentist, and the cost of installing the prosthesis.
The main factor influencing the cost of dentures is the choice of orthopedic design. The price of nylon prostheses is higher than the cost of acrylic.This is due to the fact that the design is made abroad. For example, you can put a one-sided acrylic prosthesis on the upper jaw for 12000 rubles, and a nylon prosthesis on the lower jaw - for 16,000 rubles. Patients with low incomes may be offered a partial denture. Its installation will be much cheaper.
The cost of a prosthesis made of Butterfly nylon per tooth is about 4000 rubles.
You should know that any dental clinic focuses on the interests of patients of any affluence. Many clinics have special promotions and discounts. Therefore, do not waste time. Install modern orthopedic prostheses and let your smile shine again!