Denture Addiction

The first time after dental prosthetics, the patient experiences discomfort associated with getting used to the design.
Denture Addiction - the process is gradual. At first, the patient may experience inconvenience when eating, changing taste sensations, impaired diction, as well as psychological discomfort.
When installing a removable denture, symptoms such as increased salivation and the urge to vomit are attached to the above symptoms.
To cope with these troubles will require perseverance and patience.
The addiction to fixed prostheses is faster than to removable structures. Duration of getting used to fixed prostheses is 2 - 3 days.
The period of getting used to removable structures, especially with a complete absence of teeth on the upper and lower jaws, is longer.
The term of adaptation to dentures is individual for each patient. According to dentists, addiction to designs can be accelerated if the denture is not removed during the first month before bedtime.
What determines the length of the adaptation period:
- From the size of the design.
- Chewing pressure transmission pattern.
- The method and degree of fixation of the prosthesis.
- The body's reactions to the presence of a foreign body in the oral cavity.
Nutrition after prosthetics
- After installing prostheses, during getting used to them, you should eat mashed, liquid foods and inviscid cereals.
- Do not load dentures with hard food. Crackers, dryers, dried fruits and similar products should be excluded.
- As you get used to dental structures, solid food is gradually returned to the diet.
How to get used to dentures

Sometimes, at the very beginning, with the constant wearing of dental structures, inflammation and abrasions can occur on the mucous membrane of the gums.
To do this, carefully examine in the mirror whether the denture is put on correctly.
When the gag reflex triggers a foreign body in the oral cavity, the first thing the patient wants to do is remove the structure from the mouth.
In this case, dentists recommend the following:
- Breathe deeply through the nose.
- Rinse the mouth with saline.
- Dissolve candy.
If diction is disturbed, exercises and training are recommended:
- Slow and quiet reading aloud.
- After mastering quiet speech, you can move on to a louder reading.
- Focus on the pronunciation of consonants.
- Read for 5 to 10 minutes three to five times a day.
Speech recovery usually occurs after two weeks.
In case of violation of the taste perception of food, recovery usually occurs within a month.
In addition, for quick addiction, a number of conditions must be observed:
- Thoroughly clean the prosthesis and massage the gums while rinsing the mouth.
- Use fixative if the design is unstable in the oral cavity. They will help prevent the appearance of gum abrasions, as well as facilitate the use of the prosthesis with a special structure of the jaw.
If you follow the instructions of your doctor, adaptation to dentures will be faster.
When to visit the dentist

The day after the start of using the dental structure, you must go to the dentist for a follow-up examination.
This must be done even in the absence of any complaints. Some people have low pain sensitivity and may not feel pain even when injuring the mucosa under the prosthesis.
If the design causes pain, then it must be removed, and 3 to 4 hours before visiting the doctor again to put on so that the dentist can determine the location of the injury under the denture.
After getting used to dentures
It is recommended to follow some rules that will help to give self-confidence:
- Mandatory daily cleaning of the structure from food particles and bacterial deposits.
- Thorough oral hygiene.
- The use of means fixing the dental structure.
- Two years ago I began to use clasp dentures. I got used to them in a week. In the process of addiction, there were no speech disorders. People around did not even notice that I had artificial teeth.
- I already have third dentures on both jaws. Addiction to the lower passed quickly. Upper - rubbed the gums due to low mobility. To get used to the lower ones, I had to use means for fixing dentures.
- I wear plastic dentures. I got used to it very quickly. If the doctor made a high-quality cast, then the dentures will normally hold on the jaw. There were no problems with talking and chewing. Speech recovered within a few days (chewing and talking a lot). I didn’t remove dentures at night.
- Two months ago I installed prostheses with clasps. This is some kind of horror! The dentist drove several times. Walking with this design is impossible. Gums hurt and bleed. Strong teeth hurt. A metal arc in the sky interferes, all the time I try to remove it with my tongue, constantly smack it. I feel discomfort in my mouth.
- A month ago, a removable denture was placed on the upper jaw. There was a feeling that the vomiting would never stop. On the advice of the dentist began to suck on candy. Everything has stopped.