How to store removable dentures

Removable dentures are salvation for those people who, for whatever reason, have few teeth or no teeth at all.
In order for dental constructions to please their owner and serve him faithfully, it is necessary not only to take care of them, but also to know how to store removable dentures.
Only in this case, dental designs will not harm the gums, will be convenient to use and will last longer.
Why good care is important
Removable structures create excellent conditions for the growth of bacteria in the oral cavity. This is facilitated by the presence of a “pocket” between the gum and artificial teeth.
In the available space, food debris, dead epithelial cells, and waste products of microorganisms accumulate.
If you do not regularly clean the prosthesis, the following unpleasant consequences may occur:
- The appearance of an unpleasant odor is associated with the formation of toxins as a result of the vital activity of bacteria.
- Gum disease that can turn into periodontitis.
- The development of dental caries, which is associated with the accumulation of plaque on their surface.
- The occurrence of stomatitis and the formation of ulcers on the oral mucosa.
- Changes in taste sensations associated with irritation of the papillae of the tongue with toxins produced by bacteria.
- Tarnishing of the structure as a result of accumulation of food coloring and tobacco on microbial plaques. As a result, fading of artificial teeth occurs, loss of gloss of the basis. As a result, the prosthesis will lose its aesthetic appearance.
How to care
You need to know that caring for a removable structure cannot be limited to using only a toothbrush and toothpaste.
Modern removable dentures are made, most often, of nylon or acrylic plastic.
Despite their strength, the denture is a rather fragile design that requires careful and accurate handling.
Caring for artificial teeth should be the same as for your own.
Stages of Care
One of the important aspects of prosthesis care is its timely cleaning, which must be carried out without fail.
The structure is cleaned as follows:

- The prosthesis is removed from the oral cavity and washed under water. Water should be clean, better boiled. This is necessary to prevent bacteria from entering the structure. It is necessary to wash the prosthesis after each meal.
- Cleaning the structure with a toothbrush with a special paste helps to eliminate plaque accumulated on the surface during use.
- Processing design using medicinal solutions. The prosthesis is placed in a specially prepared antiseptic solution.As a result, the remnants of the fixing agent on the surface of the structure are removed and disinfected.
- Professional denture cleaning. The cleansing procedure is carried out in a dental clinic. If the above methods of cleaning the structure did not give the desired effect, then resort to professional cleaning of the prosthesis. Dentists recommend conducting it at least once every six months.
Care Rules
- It is necessary to clean the prosthesis after each meal. To do this, the structure is removed from the mouth and washed under running water, carefully removing food residues from it. When rinsing the prosthesis, make sure that it does not slip out of your hands, as the structure may be damaged if dropped.
- Rinsing the prosthesis is not a sufficient measure, so twice a day it must be cleaned with a soft bristled toothbrush and low abrasive toothpaste. The use of a stiff brush and abrasive paste can damage the surface of the structure.
- When cleaning the prosthesis, care must be taken not to use force so as not to deform the plastic or metal parts of the structure.
Photo: Denture storage container - To make the prosthesis last longer, it is recommended to use special products containing active oxygen for daily care of the product.
- After washing and cleaning, the structure is placed in the prepared solution and left for a certain time.
- Then the prosthesis is thoroughly washed under running water. This measure helps to better cleanse and eliminate the bad smell.
- Before going to bed, the removable dental structure is stored in a special box or wrapped in a piece of clean tissue.
- You can also store the prosthesis in a special storage solution recommended by the dentist.
- It is necessary to regularly inspect the structure for scuffs, nicks, cracks, etc., since even the smallest malfunction can significantly reduce the quality of life. Such a prosthesis can cause injury to the mucous membrane and, as a result, swelling of the gums, pain, slippage of the product due to poor fixation, accumulation of microorganisms at the site of damage.
- After the construction is made, for better getting used to it, dentists do not recommend removing the prosthesis for the first two weeks.
- However, after two weeks of construction, it will be necessary to remove it before bedtime, since the tissues of the prosthetic bed need rest.
- To keep in shape, most removable dentures must remain wet.
Therefore, removing the structure for a while, it can be stored in boiled water or a special solution.
It should be remembered that:
- If the structure has metal elements, then it should not be stored in water containing chlorine, as darkening of the metal parts of the prosthesis is possible.
- Deformation of the prosthesis can occur when it dries or if it is placed in hot water.