Prices for removable dentures

Removable dental structures are dentures that patients can put on and remove from the oral cavity on their own.
They are made in the case when it is not possible to make a fixed denture.
The removable structure, unlike the non-removable one, relies mainly on the gum, and in the presence of own teeth on the jaw, part of the load falls on the abutment teeth.
Prices for removable dentures depend on many factors.
- One of these factors is the material used in the manufacture of the removable structure. The lowest cost is prostheses made of acrylic plastic, and the highest are nylon removable structures.
- The second factor influencing the price of the product is the amount of work and the number of teeth restored by the patient. If it is necessary to perform prosthetics of one or two teeth, then the design will cost the patient cheaper than a full removable denture on the entire jaw.
- If you want to make a clasp prosthesis, then its cost will also be determined by the qualifications of the dentist and orthopedist, as well as the equipment used and the technologies used to create a removable structure.
- The most expensive way of removable prosthetics is prosthetics on telescopic crowns.
Removable dentures can be:
- Full removable designs.

An indication for their manufacture is completely missing teeth on the jaw.
If the prosthesis is made for the lower jaw, then it rests only on the gum.
The design on the upper jaw has additional support - the sky.
Fixation of structures on the entire jaw is not reliable due to the lack of teeth to which the prosthesis could be attached, for example, with the help of clasps.
Such structures are made of acrylic or nylon.
- Partially removable dentures.

Partially removable prosthetics are used when there are live teeth in the patient’s oral cavity that can be used as a support for the removable structure.
A partial denture, as a rule, rests not only on the gum, but also on the abutment teeth.
Designs are made of nylon or plastic, as well as using a metal frame (this design is called clasp).
Removable structures can be made of the following materials:
- Acrylic plastics.
- Nylon
Plastic dentures

Removable plastic structures are made from acrylic plastic.
The prosthesis is used for partially removable and full removable prosthetics.
- A full removable denture rests on the gum and is fixed in the mouth due to the effect of suction.
- The resulting discharged space between the structure and the mucosa when putting on the prosthesis, helps to keep the structure in the oral cavity.
- In case of partial absence of teeth, a construction equipped with clasps is used. They cover the supporting teeth and contribute to the reliable fixation of the prosthesis in the mouth.
- If the patient does not have one or two teeth in a row, a partially removable butterfly design is used. The prosthesis is most popular in the restoration of distant chewing teeth.
Dentures made of plastic: prices
- The cost of a full acrylic prosthesis is on average, depending on the region, from 8 to 20,000 rubles.
- Partial removable design - the cost is similar to the price of a complete prosthesis.
- A prosthesis made of acrylic plastic for 1-2 teeth - from 3000 rubles.
Clasp prostheses

The clasp construction was called "Clasp", which means "Arc".
The difference between this type of structure from others is that it has a metal frame.
The advantages of the metal frame are that the clasp prosthesis is more comfortable to use than the massive acrylic structure.
Clasp constructions can have two ways of fixing:
- With the help of branches of a metal frame - clasps. Constructions having a clasp type of fixation are firmly fixed in the mouth, but have an aesthetic disadvantage if the clasps fall into the smile line.
- With the help of micro locks, consisting of two parts, one of which is fixed on crowns fixed on the abutment teeth, and the second part - on the body of a removable prosthesis. With castle fixation, aesthetics do not suffer. To date, clasp dentures on the locks are the best and progressive method of removable prosthetics.
Clasp prosthesis cost
- Prices for structures with clasp fixation, depending on the region, are in the range - from 20 to 30,000 rubles.
- One-sided clasp design with micro-locks - from 40 to 50,000 rubles. The price includes: the prosthesis itself, 2 metal-ceramic crowns, micro locks.
- Two-way clasp prosthesis on two micro-locks - from 80 to 90,000 rubles. The price includes: the design itself, 4 metal-ceramic crowns, micro-locks.
- Clasp construction on implants, depending on their number - from 90 to 200,000 rubles.
The price for the clasp structure is formed from the cost of the material, the method of fixing the prosthesis on the abutment teeth, the work of the dental technician.
Nylon dentures

Such structures are made of nylon with complete or partial loss of teeth.
- Dentures made of nylon, compared with plastic and clasp, have excellent aesthetics.
- However, the presence of some disadvantages leads to the fact that patients after some time refuse them and resort to re-prosthetics with other types of structures.
Prices for prostheses made of nylon
- Depending on the region, the cost of a full removable structure is from 25,000 rubles.
- The price of a partial denture is from 20,000 rubles.
- A design for 1-3 teeth costs from 15,000 rubles.
The price for nylon structures is higher than for prostheses made of acrylic plastic. This is explained by the fact that nylon structures are made abroad.
Video: Nylon Removable Dentures
The cost of removable prosthetics
Types of jobs | Prices (in rubles) |
Cementing crowns on domestic cement | 180 |
Cementing crown on imported cement | 680 |
Cermet crowns | from 4000 |
Imprint Production | from 600 |
Zirconium oxide crown | from 12000 |
Solid cast crown | from 3000 |
Diagnosis of models in the articulator | 2000 |