Which removable dentures are better

Which removable dentures are better? This question is often asked by those who have prosthetics.
It is definitely impossible to answer it, if only because today there is a large selection of prostheses, and not all of them will suit all patients.
Therefore, before making a choice in favor of one or another design, one should well weigh the pros and cons.
Each tooth structure has advantages and disadvantages. It is not always possible to install partial dentures. To do this, at least teeth should remain in the oral cavity, which could become a support for a partially removable prosthesis.
In the absence of teeth, the only way out for the patient is implantation, or the installation of a complete removable denture.
- Implantation is a modern progressive way to restore lost teeth, but very expensive.
- If the patient does not have the opportunity to install implants, then the choice will have to be made among removable structures.
Which of the removable dentures is better?
Perhaps the most important criterion for choosing a quality prosthesis should be one: the design should completely restore the lost function of the teeth.
Parameters such as appearance, materials and cost may vary.
For many people, one of the selection criteria is the cost of prosthetics.

- If you make a choice in favor of cheap dental designs, then the most suitable option would be a prosthesis made of acrylic plastic.
- Acrylic structures have been used in dental practice for decades. But they cannot be called ideal, since they are not fastened firmly in the mouth.
- But, it should be noted that models of acrylic structures are being improved, and today there is a more practical technology for installing prostheses from acrylic: on mini-implants.
- In addition, the affordable price makes these designs quite popular.
Varieties of removable structures have several options.
Clasp prostheses
- The structures have a metal base, to which a plastic gum and artificial crowns are attached.
- The metal base of the prosthesis is made in the form of an arc that connects all the structural elements together.
- For prosthetics with clasp prostheses, the presence of natural abutment teeth in the mouth will be required, on which the structure will be fixed using fixing elements (locks or hooks).
- If there are no supporting teeth, then in their place you will need to install implants.
Types of Fixation
For clasp constructions, three fixation methods are proposed:

- Clammer fixation. Clasps are metal hooks originating from the metal arc of the base of the prosthesis.The clasp clings to the abutment teeth and is held on them.
- Castle type of fixation. Attaching the prosthesis to the teeth with clasps (attachments). One of the parts of the lock is attached to the abutment tooth, the other is mounted on the structure. When interacting, both parts of the lock are latched. With this technology of prosthetics, it is necessary to dissect the abutment teeth in order to insert locks into them.
- On telescopic crowns. With this technology, crowns are put on the abutment teeth, or the abutment teeth are grinded in the shape of a cone. On the turned teeth or crowns the appropriately prepared clasp constructions are fixed. This method of prosthetics has a reliable fixation, but is the most expensive of all options for arch prosthetics.
To decide which of the removable dentures is better, it is important to know the advantages and disadvantages of arch prosthetics.
Designs have several advantages:
- Got wide distribution.
- Have an affordable price.
- Comfortable use and good esthetic indicators.
- Continuous improvement of designs.
- They can be installed with periodontal disease and periodontitis.
- The ability to fix the prosthesis in the presence of end defects, lateral or anterior teeth.
- Designs have various types of fixtures, which can be selected based on the financial ability and personal taste of the patient, as well as depending on the characteristics of the dentition.
- The service life is more than 5 years.
The disadvantages of prosthetics with clasp constructions include:
- Structures with a clasp lock cannot provide an aesthetic appearance if they are noticeable when smiling or talking.
- Lengthening the period of adaptation to the structure due to the presence of a metal arc in the oral cavity.
- Better and more comfortable models are expensive.
Video: “A fundamentally new clasp prosthesis”
Nylon dentures
Designs are made of nylon, which gives them softness, flexibility and elasticity. Dentures are attached to the gums due to the suction effect.
Nylon designs have a number of positive aspects:

- In the manufacture of the prosthesis, metal is not used, which is an advantage for patients suffering from intolerance to metal parts.
- Fastening of nylon structures occurs due to suction, which excludes the preparation of teeth.
- Some of the structures are attached using hooks made of the same material and therefore completely invisible to others.
- In order to strengthen the fixation of the prosthesis, it is possible to use special means: gel, cream, glue.
- The possibility of using the design in the presence of single or multiple defects of the dentition, as well as with complete adentia.
- Designs do not break.
- High aesthetics of the material.
- Despite its ductility, nylon is a very strong material.
- The duration of use of the prosthesis with proper care of the structure is from 5 to 7 years.
Nylon designs are not without flaws.
Among them:
- The distribution of the load on chewing is poor.
- The development of bone atrophy.
- Chewing solid food is difficult.
- Frequent correction of the prosthesis is required due to the uneven load on the gums and teeth when chewing.
- Fairly high cost of construction, compared with the clasp.
- Not all cleaning products are suitable for nylon dentures.
It is worth noting that the disadvantages listed above in terms of uneven load distribution are not consistent with prosthetics of one or two teeth.
Video: Nylon Removable Dentures
Plate prostheses
They are made from acrylic plastic. Teeth made of hard or soft plastic are attached to the plastic base of the prosthesis.
Characterizing removable plate prostheses, we can say that they:
- When fixed on the upper jaw - completely cover the sky.
- If attached to the lower jaw, then rest on the gum.
- To attach plate structures to the abutment teeth, metal hooks are used.
Of the advantages of prosthetics with plate prostheses, the following can be distinguished:

- This is the cheapest and most affordable way of prosthetics.
- Simple enough to manufacture and install.
- With its help, you can quickly restore the functionality and aesthetics of the dentition.
- Easy to maintain and does not require additional maintenance costs.
Among the design flaws, the most significant are:
- Structures made of hard plastic can gum.
- Decrease in temperature and taste sensitivity.
- Violation of diction.
- Structures require regular correction, professional cleansing.
Implant prostheses
Implants installed in the jawbone play the role of tooth roots. Clasp or plastic plate prostheses can be fixed on them.
- An ideal variant of prosthetics on implants is clasp prosthetics.
- Plate constructions made of hard plastic can also be fixed on implants. Moreover, combining implants with laminar dentures, you can get rid of such disadvantages as rubbing the gums and impaired diction.
- Nylon structures can also be mounted on implants, but this method is not cost-effective, since an implant made of titanium puts pressure on the prosthesis structure, which leads to a reduction in its service life.
Thus, which removable dentures are better, can only be decided in conjunction with the dentist and taking into account individual capabilities and preferences. Nevertheless, the best prosthesis is one that suits the patient.