Removable Denture Care

Removable dentures require a clean oral cavity and the structures themselves.
Conducting regular hygiene procedures can extend their service life, and also prevents irritation and the development of inflammation of the oral mucosa.
Care for dentures, especially removable structures, is quite simple.
This design can always be easily removed and cleaned under running water with a toothbrush and paste.
Caring for removable dentures requires systematic and responsible.
How to clean the removable structure
To effectively clean the prosthesis, you must adhere to a certain sequence of actions:
- The structure is washed under running water. Always after a meal, the prosthesis must be rinsed with clean running water to remove particles of food stuck in the recesses from its surface.
- Cleaning the denture with a toothbrush and paste. Toothpaste contains a number of components that perform the function of cleaning and disinfecting.
- Cleaning the removable structure with special preparations. Denture cleansers are available in the form of ready-made solutions, or in the form of tablets that must be previously dissolved in water. Solutions for cleaning structures effectively remove bacterial plaque from their surface, which accumulates on the surface of the prosthesis. In addition, the cleaning solution helps to remove residues from the removable structure of the fixing means.
How to care

Terms of use and denture care come down to the following:
- To clean the tooth structure, use a soft-bristled toothbrush.
- The use of abrasive cleaners is not permitted.
- It is necessary to brush a removable denture with a brush with paste at least twice a day to prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor emanating from the structure. After cleansing, the prosthesis must be thoroughly rinsed.
- An important point in the hygienic care of the structure is the need to use special solutions or tablets to clean and disinfect the denture. To soak the structure, a special bath for cleaning dentures is suitable.
- At night, the structure is recommended to be lowered into a disinfectant solution, which helps to remove plaque from its surface.
- After each meal, a removable prosthesis requires thorough rinsing under running water. You must not forget about oral hygiene.
- When cleaning the structure, care must be taken to ensure that the prosthesis does not slip out of the hands, and make sure that the clasp does not deform when cleaning.
- Dissemination of the idea of storing a tooth structure in a glass of water is currently considered erroneous.Modern nylon or acrylic dentures are not necessary to remove at night.
- Removing the structure for a long time, it must be placed in a container of boiled water or a special solution for storing removable dentures.
- If the design has metal elements, then they can not be stored in water containing chlorine, as this will lead to darkening of the metal.
- If the prostheses are lowered into hot water or stored dry, they can become deformed and become unusable.
- To quickly get used to the removable structure and prevent the displacement of the articular heads of the jaws, it is not recommended to remove the prosthesis from the mouth before going to bed.
- In order to avoid damage to the structure, your own teeth and gums, it is recommended to use fixing agents. They allow you to quickly get used to the prosthesis and provide a comfortable condition when using it.
How to clean removable dentures

It is necessary to clean the structure with a toothbrush with a soft bristle and low abrasive toothpaste at least twice a day.
- These toothpastes include children's toothpastes.
- In addition, it is acceptable to use a dishwashing detergent or liquid hand soap.
- Dentists recommend using effervescent tablets to clean the structures, which allow you to clean the prosthesis from plaque at home.
- The composition of the tablets includes substances that dissolve organic substances and disinfect the removable structure.
Professional Cleansing

Professional cleaning of removable structures is carried out when there are blackouts on their surface that cannot be removed by conventional methods.
- It is categorically not recommended to cleanse plaque with bleaching pastes because of their high abrasiveness, which can cause scratches on the prosthesis and cause irreparable harm to it.
- It would be more correct to take the design to the dental clinic, or use tablets to clean the prosthesis from plaque or purchase an ultrasonic cleaner in the pharmacy.
- An ultrasonic bath for removable structures will allow for effective cleaning and disinfection of the prosthesis.
- The bath not only allows you to qualitatively clean the structure, but also guarantee the absence of pigment plaque, the formation of tartar and, as a result, the absence of an unpleasant odor from the prosthesis.

To clean removable dental structures will require the following tools:
- A brush for cleaning a removable denture, which must be changed at least once a month. If an inflammatory process occurs in the oral cavity, the brush should be replaced immediately.
- To clean the interdental spaces you will need a toothbrush.
- Low abrasive toothpaste.
- Rinses with a cleaning and disinfecting effect.
- Ultrasonic bath for cleaning dentures from plaque.