Bleeding after dental implants

Dental implantation is a rather complicated operation, which requires special preparation.
If the doctor correctly conducts a preoperative examination and identifies all contraindications, then complications in the postoperative period will be minimized.
Despite the fact that the implant implantation procedure is a fairly simple operation, implantation of titanium structures can lead to a number of complications.
As a rule, the doctor will necessarily warn the patient about this.
Weak bleeding after dental implants considered normal, even if it lasts several days.
The duration of bleeding after surgery depends on the state of blood coagulation in this patient.
Causes of bleeding

- Bleeding in the first hours after implantation is a normal condition, saliva may be pink in color for several days.
- Taking aspirin and other drugs that affect blood coagulation. In this case, bleeding from the wound surface can last up to 10 days.
- If the bleeding is intense, starting from the first day after the procedure, right up to the formation of hematomas, then this indicates a blood vessel injury.
- Prolonged bleeding in the postoperative period after implantation has been performed may be associated with impaired blood coagulation or with pathology of the cardiovascular system.
How to prevent bleeding
Assessment of the general condition of the patient’s body, a thorough study of the anamnesis before surgery and targeted preparation for surgery can prevent bleeding.
- Immediately after the operation, bite the gauze bandage and hold it for an hour. Then it must be replaced with a new one.
- On the first day, it is necessary to apply an ice pack to the cheek on the side where the implantation is performed.
- Avoid touching where implants are installed.
- Care must be taken when brushing teeth located in close proximity to the operative field so as not to provoke bleeding.
- During the first ten days it is not recommended to brush new teeth, chew food, smoke, spit. Rinse your mouth very carefully.
- It’s better to sleep on a high pillow or with several pillows under your head so that your head is in a raised position.
- It is forbidden to take drugs that affect the blood coagulation system (worsening coagulation), for example, aspirin and other NSAIDs.
With bleeding that has begun

- If bleeding has begun, ice can be applied for 15 to 20 minutes to the cheek on the side of the face where the operation was performed.
- Apply a sterile gauze to the gum in the place where the implants are installed, pressing and holding it for twenty minutes.
- Pour cold water into your mouth and hold for five minutes.
- Applying a wet tea bag to the gum.
- Applying a cotton swab to the gum with special medications recommended by your doctor.
If you can’t stop the bleeding during the day, you need to consult a dentist, because this can be a sign of a serious complication.
How to behave after implantation
- Immediately after the operation and during the first day, ice is applied to the area of the operative impact from the outside for 10 - 20 minutes with an interval of half an hour. This is required to stop bleeding.
- It is not recommended to eat within two hours after implant placement. It is then allowed to eat soft food, but make sure that it is not too hot or cold. Chew food on the side where there are no surgical stitches. Do not eat until the action of the anesthetic is over. Drinking is allowed immediately after surgery, but the liquid should be cool. Do not rinse your mouth.
- During the first day, the head should be above chest level. Better sitting than lying down. It is necessary to sleep, so that the head is raised.
- Do not touch the tongue or hands of the operated area, apply compresses or a heating pad to the implantation site. Sleep only on the opposite side.
- The first 3 days after implantation, it is necessary to avoid physical exertion.
- In the first week, avoid overcooling and overheating of the body. At this time, a sauna and a bath are contraindicated.
- The first two weeks are not recommended to smoke, take alcohol, hot and spicy food.
- Before the doctor permits you not to use a toothbrush for oral care and do not use rinses.
- Providing a gentle but sufficient load on the implant.
- The contents of the oral cavity in perfect cleanliness.