Veneers or braces

Many people who need tooth alignment often ask the question: “What is better than veneers or braces”?
Even a dentist can not always give a definite answer to this question. Both braces and veneers can solve many problems of tooth aesthetics associated with their irregularities.
If the curvature of the teeth is not pronounced, then the dentist will probably advise the installation of veneers, in more difficult situations - do not do without braces.
And before making a choice in favor of any method, it is necessary to carefully weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of such an intervention.
What are braces
Braces are a special device designed to correct the location of individual teeth and the entire dentition.
After fixing on the teeth in the grooves on the braces, a metal arc is inserted, which puts pressure on the teeth and helps to align them.
On average, correction with braces lasts at least one and a half years.

- Ceramic braces are the most common and inexpensive. Locks in such a bracket system are attached to the outside of the teeth.
- Lingual bracket systems, unlike ceramic ones, are attached from the side of the tongue. Their advantage is that they are almost invisible to others, and minus is twice as expensive.
- Sapphire braces are akin to ceramic designs, but unlike them, the clasps are made of transparent material, which makes them completely invisible to others.
Features of the alignment of teeth with braces
Braces have a number of features:
- It is difficult to carry out oral hygiene. After each meal, it is necessary not only to rinse the oral cavity, but also thoroughly brush your teeth so that the areas around the braces are always clean. In addition to the toothbrush, a special toothbrush and the use of dental floss are required to clean the braces.
- Braces treatment is carried out with the joint wearing of rods - special small gum correcting bite. The rods are used around the clock, but during meals and before bedtime they must be removed. Maxillary traction is a real challenge for some people.
- Long-term treatment with braces. On average, the wearing period for structures is from one to two years.
What are veneers
Veneers are thin tooth pads that stick to the surface of a tooth visible to others, hiding its defects.
They are an excellent alternative to braces for small deviations of the teeth from the norm.
Benefits of Using Veneers
- Unlike the bracket system, which must be worn for 1.5 - 2 years, the installation of veneer allows you to quickly and efficiently eliminate all the irregularities of the teeth.
- Do not forget about the presence of a retention period, which lasts twice as long as wearing braces.
- If after wearing braces you do not fix the result, then there is a certain risk of a return to the original state.
- Veneers, when used properly, serve their owner for a long time without changing their original appearance.
The cost of aligning teeth with veneers is less than a long orthodontic treatment.
- Ceramic plates. Can be made from porcelain or zirconia. They are distinguished by high aesthetic indicators and have a long service life.
- Composite veneers. Made of composite material. They have a number of disadvantages associated with a poor level of aesthetics and unreliable manufacturing.
Features of teeth correction with veneers

- Thin plates hide various defects and align the dentition. Especially good designs for correcting the position and shape of the front teeth.
- Veneer pads not only hide various irregularities of the teeth, but also give them a smooth, natural color.
- Oral care comes down to the usual hygiene measures.
- Long service life.
- Compared to the bracket system, the speed of defect correction is reduced tenfold.
- Compared to braces, the cost of aligning teeth with veneers is lower.
- A big minus is that before installing the vinyl records, the teeth are turned, even if they are absolutely healthy. An exception is the installation of "Hollywood veneers", which are quite thin and do not require preliminary turning.
- The high cost of ceramic pads.
- Lack of aesthetics, unreliability, and short lifespan of composite veneers.
When choosing between braces and veneers, it should be borne in mind that bracket systems always remain almost invisible if installed on the lower jaw.
In this regard, dentists offer adult patients, when aligning their teeth, the simultaneous installation of plates and braces, using the veneers of the upper jaw teeth and the lower braces.