Silicone Denture Reviews

Silicone dentures have recently appeared on the dental market, but have already managed to win the sympathy of dentists and patients.
They are used for partial and complete prosthetics.
Removable flexible structures that are made from silicone, nylon, and other polymers belong to the group of silicone dentures.
The basis of construction and fastening is made of silicone, and artificial teeth are made of plastic.
Silicone dentures, like other removable designs, have their positive and negative sides.
Advantages and disadvantages
The advantages of silicone prostheses include:
- High elasticity of the structure, thanks to which it can be perfectly adapted to the peculiarities of the jaw structure and repeat the configuration of the sky.
- Due to its lightness, the prosthesis is perfectly fixed in the oral cavity and contributes to its quick addiction. Reviews of silicone dentures are somewhat controversial. Some patients believe that ductility and lightweight construction is one of the reasons for the long-term adaptation of the oral cavity to a silicone prosthesis.
- Designs made of high-quality silicone have high operational strength, are not painted with food colors, and are very comfortable to use.
- They are hypoallergenic, therefore indicated for patients who are allergic to acrylic and metal.
- To fix the prosthesis, it is not necessary to turn the adjacent teeth, which is important for their preservation.
- The correct distribution of the load when chewing food does not lead to deformation of the structure.
- Excellent aesthetics, clasps made of gum color material.

Of the disadvantages of silicone structures are significant:
- Dentures do not withstand high chewing loads, therefore, prosthetics with full removable structures, especially the lower jaw, is ineffective. The prosthesis is usually used for partial prosthetics. Rarely - for complete restoration of the teeth of the upper jaw.
- High selectivity of silicone products to cleaning products. In order to carry out cleaning of the structure, means of a certain brand are used. If these conditions are neglected, the prosthesis can change color and produce an unpleasant odor.
- Soft clasps do not completely transfer the load when chewing on the teeth, partly it falls on the gum. As a result, chewing can cause injury.
- Atrophy of bone tissue and subsidence of the structure, leading to inflammation of the gums as a result of the fact that the clasp cut into the mucosa.
- Poor polishability of the prosthesis, which leads to the accumulation of bacterial plaque on the rough surface of the structure and the appearance of an unpleasant odor.
- The need for frequent prosthesis corrections, especially when it is long.
- The high cost of construction.

Silicone Dentures Reviews
- I installed a silicone prosthesis on my front teeth six months ago. I can not say anything bad about the design. I got used to the prosthesis quickly. It is convenient to talk, eat, but of course, you had to refuse hard and rough food. The prosthesis cost a tidy sum, and the means of care are not cheap.
- Two years ago, I turned to the dentist about the absence of two teeth on the upper jaw. I really did not want to establish a bridge, because there was absolutely no desire to grind my teeth. The doctor suggested installing a partially removable silicone prosthesis. The design suited me, it looks very natural. The prosthesis does not affect diction, does not slip during eating. I try not to eat solid food, because I really do not want to break new teeth. Otherwise, everything suits me. The only thing that is inconvenient: the design is very demanding in care. It is necessary to clean the prosthesis with special means to last longer.
- I got a removable silicone prosthesis on my upper jaw a year ago. I still can’t get used to it. Correction was performed several times. After correction a little better, but it still hurts to chew. When I talk, I hiss strongly. Recently there was an unpleasant odor from the prosthesis. The doctor says that the reason is improper care of the product.
- I was missing two top fives. The rest of the teeth were all healthy. I really wanted to install implants, but the price bit. The clinic said that it is possible to install a removable silicone prosthesis that looks similar to natural teeth. The advantage was that you do not have to grind your teeth and wear artificial crowns. It costs a silicone prosthesis cheaper than implants, but still quite expensive. The design fits perfectly in the mouth, completely invisible to others. There is no discomfort, it’s convenient to talk and eat.
- I have been suffering from diabetes for many years. I have long wanted to restore several teeth, but doctors said that acrylic prostheses are contraindicated for me. I learned from a friend that there are silicone removable dentures that are not a contraindication for diabetes. I went to the clinic. The dentist examined me and gave me hope that I would again be with my teeth. They made me a partially removable structure. In general, I am pleased if you do not take into account the violation of diction and restrictions on food. I got used to the prosthesis for almost two months. The design is comfortable, it doesn’t rub anywhere, it keeps steady.