Reviews of clasp prostheses on clasps

Today, an increasing number of people prefer arch prosthetics.
One type of clasp prosthesis is a design with a clasp type of fixation.
Clasps are metal hooks that clasp abutment teeth to hold the structure in the oral cavity.
- One of the advantages of this method of prosthetics is the absence of the need for turning the teeth.
- In addition, clasp structures contribute to an even distribution of the load on the gums and teeth, and do not cause loosening of the supporting teeth.
The most common fixing element of the clasp prosthesis is a metal hook (clasp).
It is made of stainless steel or precious metal alloys.
For patients, individual clasps of the appropriate form are selected.
Types of Clasps
Clasp structures, depending on the purpose of use, can be equipped with the following types of clasps:
- Holding hooks. During the load, as a result of their subsidence, pressure is transferred to the mucous membrane of the oral cavity.
- Reference clasps. The pressure that occurs during conversation, chewing is transmitted both to the abutment teeth and to the oral mucosa.
- Supporting - holding hooks.

Depending on the shape and method of girth of the supporting tooth, clasp structures are:
- Ribbon, flat, round and semicircular.
- One-armed, two-armed, single-link, double, annular.
Clasps can be made:
- Casting method (hooks lack spring properties).
- Of special blanks (bent).
Advantages and disadvantages
Clasp dentures with a clasp type of fixation have the following advantages:
- They are comfortable to use.
- The development of pathological processes in the oral cavity is minimized, since the load when chewing is distributed evenly.
- Diction does not change.
- There is no violation of taste and temperature sensitivity.
- Patients quickly get used to the prosthesis.
- The design is securely fixed in the oral cavity.
Among the shortcomings can be noted:

- Lack of aesthetics if the hook hits the smile line.
- It is possible that rubbing with the clasps of the oral mucosa with food.
- The high cost of construction.
Clammer requirements
In the manufacture of a clasp prosthesis with a clasp type of fixation, the following requirements are imposed on hooks:
- Pressure transmission during chewing along the axis of the tooth.
- Ensuring excellent fixation of the structure in the mouth.
- Uniform distribution of the load while chewing food between the teeth and the mucous membrane.
- No hook action on the abutment at rest.
- Performing a clear fixation of the prosthesis during periodontitis.
- No load on the abutment during the use of the structure.
Before choosing a design with any type of fixation, it is worth analyzing the reviews about clasp prostheses on clasps left by people who already use such designs.
- After retirement, I decided to have a prosthetic tooth. I didn’t have many teeth, which I lost at different times, but since I have not spared dentists since childhood, I had to put up with toothlessness. I really didn’t want to have a false jaw, because from my grandmother’s experience, I understood that there was nothing good in that. I remember that every time my grandmother took off false teeth before going to bed and put them in a glass of water for storage. In general, I really did not want my grandmother's fate. My daughter made me go to the doctors to restore my lost teeth. The dentist recommended an arch prosthesis. Firstly, there is no need to remove such a prosthesis at night, and secondly, clasp prostheses can be used to strengthen cranked teeth and then you can save what is left. As a result, my new teeth have nothing to do with my grandmother's prosthesis. They do not bother me at all, they look aesthetically pleasing.
- After thirty-five years, due to periodontal disease, he began to gradually lose his teeth. I did not go to the dentist, because I was afraid to treat my teeth from my youth. When he realized that he couldn’t go on like this, he turned to a dental clinic where I was offered implantation. I refused implantation and preferred the clasp design on the clasps, for which I now pay. A significant disadvantage of the prosthesis for me was some points: the design is not stable enough in the mouth, the hooks are visible during the conversation, as they fell into the smile zone. Very dissatisfied with prosthetics, but try not to pay attention to these shortcomings.
- Before restoring chewing teeth, for a very long time I searched for information on the Internet, consulted with dentists, and finally chose a clasp prosthesis with a clasp type of fixation. I did not want to carry out bridge prosthetics at all, since the installation of a bridge requires the preparation of supporting teeth and the fixation of additional crowns. The result made me very happy. The installation of the prosthesis is completely painless. The design is not visible at all, since the clasps are located behind and are not visible with a smile.
- I installed a clasp prosthesis three months ago. After installation, for a week I could not eat normally, during a conversation the prosthesis hung in my mouth. I had to go to the dentist again. As a result, the doctor slightly corrected the design, and the clasp sat flat, it was just necessary to eliminate the balancing of the structure. While getting used to the prosthesis, I experienced some inconvenience, but gradually everything fell into place. Now I use new teeth, as a family.
- I urgently needed to restore several teeth on one side of the jaw. The doctor advised a clasp prosthesis with clasps. This design holds perfectly in the mouth, does not cause discomfort, does not violate diction. After installation, she regretted that she chose this type of prosthesis, as it turned out that the hooks were brought to the front surface of the tooth and everyone sees this defect. At first I tried to cover my mouth with my hand when talking, but now I’m used to it. This is the only drawback that does not suit me, but it's too late to change something. I have been using the design for three years now, it’s very convenient, but an aesthetic defect still remains a problem. Next time I will be more serious in resolving the issue of prosthetics.