Clasp denture reviews

Clasp prosthetics today is one of the most effective methods compared to other types of removable prosthetics.
Efficiency is expressed in the reliability of the design, ease of use and long service life.
Removable clasp prostheses are used in case of partial absence of teeth.
Clasp structures are distinguished by a system of fixation on the supporting teeth.
The following varieties of prostheses are distinguished by the method of fixation:
- Clasp dental tooth clasps.
- Removable dentures with lock fixation (on attachments).
- Clasp constructions on telescopic crowns.
Each of these fixing systems has certain advantages and disadvantages.
Clasp dental prosthetics

- The fixation of such structures is carried out using clasps (metal hooks) to the abutment teeth.
- Due to the capture of the supporting tooth by the clasp, it is possible to achieve reliable fixation of the removable prosthesis.
- The disadvantage of the clamping method of fixing the structure is poor aesthetics if the metal hook falls into the smile line.
Video: “Clasp clasp prosthetics”
Clasp dentures on attachments (locks)

- The fixation of the dental structure occurs with the help of a micro lock.
- One of the parts of the lock is located on the prosthesis, the other on the crown of the supporting tooth.
- When putting on the clasp prosthesis, the lock latches.
- Structures with a locking type of fixation look great in terms of aesthetics.
To date, the clasp prosthesis on the locks is one of the most high-tech designs.
Video: “Clasp prosthetics. Locks"
What patients say
Patient reviews about clasp prostheses are mostly positive, since the designs have the following characteristics:
- Long service life, in comparison with other methods of removable prosthetics. When using the clasp prosthesis, bone atrophy is slower than when using removable structures of another type.
- Dentures are highly comfortable due to the small size of the base, which does not adversely affect diction, does not contribute to a change in taste perception and sliding of the prosthesis during meals.
- The probability of structural failure is minimized due to the presence of a metal frame.
- I installed a clasp prosthesis a year and a half ago, for a long time I chose between removable prosthetics and implantation. He opted for a removable clasp and did not regret it at all. The prosthesis turned out to be very convenient, does not interfere with the conversation, does not slip during eating, and takes up very little space in the mouth. The design is easy to remove and install.It is a hygienic, comfortable and beautiful denture.
- After thirty years, I began to slowly lose my teeth. Since I’ve been afraid of dentists since childhood, for a long time I did not decide on prosthetics. When I overcame my fear, I nevertheless went to the doctor, I was offered to install a removable clasp prosthesis. At first it was very uncomfortable, I felt the presence of a foreign body in my mouth, but the dentist said that it is better not to remove the structure before going to bed, so I’ll get used to it faster. Fulfilling all the recommendations of the doctor, I got used to the clasp very quickly and now I remove it only in order to carry out hygienic treatment. It turns out there is nothing to worry about.
- I had several teeth in a row on my lower jaw. I wanted to install a bridge. But after the examination in the clinic, the dentist said that in the absence of three or more teeth in a row, it is better not to put a bridge, since there will be a big load on the supporting teeth. As a result, they can be easily lost. I had to have removable clasp prosthetics. I have been using my artificial teeth for five years now and am very pleased. There is no deformation of the jawbone, supporting teeth do not loosen. Indeed, the clasp distributes the load well.
- Four years ago, he went to the clinic, where he wanted to restore the extreme chewing teeth. On the advice of a friend I wanted to put the console. The dentist recommended installing a clasp prosthesis, explaining that the console will provoke loosening of nearby teeth. I did not get used to new teeth for long, about a month, even slept with them. The design is comfortable, there is almost no discomfort. The prosthesis is convenient to remove and install. The construction is easy to care for.
- During prosthetics, the dentist suggested implanting implants in the jaw and securing a removable denture. But I refused and preferred the clasp. I wear a clasp prosthesis for almost three months and I want to note that the design has one drawback. The prosthesis is unstable attached to the gums, which causes difficulties when chewing large pieces of food and a little discomfort. But, in everything else, the design completely suits me, so I try not to notice this inconvenience. Hope to get used to it soon.