Laminar Denture Reviews

When it is necessary to restore lost teeth, it is necessary to make a difficult choice in favor of a particular design.
Any prosthesis has its advantages and disadvantages.
It is not always possible to replace prosthetics with fixed structures, especially if the patient has no supporting teeth to fix the bridge.
With full adentia, the only way out is to install implants or make a removable denture on the entire jaw.
For many patients, the cost of prosthetics is important.
The most affordable at the present time are lamellar dental designs, which have been used for prosthetics for quite a long time.
- But such prostheses cannot be called ideal, since they are very poorly fixed on the jaws.
- However, today, there is a modern technology, like mini implantation, which allows the acrylic prosthesis to hold perfectly on the gums.
- At the same time, the affordable price for this type of prosthetics makes it quite popular.

- Laminar dentures are used in the complete and partial absence of teeth.
- On the upper jaw, a plate prosthesis completely covers the sky.
- On the lower jaw, the structure rests on the gum.
- In the presence of abutment teeth, the prosthesis is fixed to them using metal hooks.
- Laminar dentures made of nylon are attached by suction.
Reviews of laminar dentures provide a complete list of the pros and cons of designs.
- The most affordable method of prosthetics for the majority of the population, since the cost of such structures is not high enough.
- Dentures are simple to manufacture and easy to install, which allows you to restore aesthetics and functionality in a short time.
- Structures are easy to care for. Leaving does not require additional costs.
The disadvantages of laminar dentures include the following:
- Plastic structures can rub the gums, causing soreness and inflammation of the oral mucosa.
- When using the plate prosthesis, a change in taste perception and diction can be observed, since the prosthesis for the upper jaw closes the sky.
- The design requires thorough cleaning, correction and regular professional inspection.
Plate prostheses can also be mounted on implants.
The technology of prosthetics on implants is such that removable dentures are attached to pre-installed implants that replace the roots of the teeth.
In this case, some disadvantages inherent in the removable structure can be eliminated. For example, the pressure of the prosthesis on the mucosa and gums decreases, which does not cause a change in diction.
- Five years ago, after an injury to the upper jaw and two teeth, they had to be removed. To restore the dentition, a removable laminar denture was installed, which I have been using for three years. The design was made very quickly. For a long time I felt discomfort: I could not chew food normally, the prosthesis rubbed the mucous membrane. Several times I had to make a correction.
- For several years I used a plate prosthesis on the entire jaw. I got used to him for more than a month. There was terrible discomfort in the mouth, everything was inflamed, the gums ached. The dentist was constantly adjusting the prosthesis. I could not talk normally, the construction all the time tried to slip out of my mouth. I ate only soft and chopped food. The doctor recommended using drugs to fix the prosthesis. It became easier, but I did not completely get rid of the discomfort.
- I went to the dentist only a few times, but when they began to loosen and loose teeth, I had to take urgent measures to solve the issue of prosthetics. Since my budget was limited, the choice was made in favor of a lamellar prosthesis. After installation, there was a little discomfort, but the addiction lasted only two weeks. At first, I had to eat everything soft and crushed, and when I got used to the prosthesis, I eat everything that I had to deny myself before.
- Two years ago, she installed a plate prosthesis on the chewing teeth of the upper jaw. I'm not used to it right away. At first, the prosthesis strongly rubbed the mucosa to the blood. After fitting, it became not so painful to chew, and diction improved slightly. But still you have to periodically carry out a correction at the dentist.
- I had three chewing teeth on the right and two on the left. I couldn’t do implantation for financial reasons, and I didn’t want to install a bridge because I had no desire to grind healthy teeth. When choosing a removable prosthesis, she preferred a lamellar design. I want to say that for the money, respectively, the quality of the design leaves much to be desired. For a very long time I had to get used to the prosthesis, he rubbed the mucous membrane all the time, there was severe pain when chewing. It’s not at all difficult to take care of the prosthesis, just the same, a dark coating forms on the surface of the base, which is difficult to remove. To clean the prosthesis and correct the design, you often have to visit the dentist.