
In recent years, a new trend in dentistry, such as orthodontics, has gained wide popularity..
She is studying the causes of abnormalities in the development of the dentition, correcting the pathology of the bite and defects of the teeth and dentition, as well as preventing the development of these disorders.
By the way, more than 80% of the world's population have malocclusion and other pathology of the dentition. According to statistics, more than 50% of children already at the age of three years have malocclusion and need the help of an orthodontist.
It is known that the correct bite prevents not only the appearance of an aesthetic problem, but also plays an important role in the prevention of caries and periodontal diseases.
Timely correction of the bite of the teeth helps a person to reduce the psychological burden and is easier to adapt in society.
Features of the correct closing of teeth
Correct tooth positioning is characterized by the following features:
- The lower incisors should be covered by the upper no more than a third.
- The remaining upper teeth, excluding fangs, are in contact with the corresponding lower teeth.
If one of the parameters is not observed, correction of the bite is required.
Causes of Violations
Anomaly of the bite can form under the influence of the following factors:
- As a result of a hereditary predisposition.
- With artificial feeding using nipples.
- If there are such bad habits as abuse of a dummy, sucking fingers, toys and other objects.
- As a result of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, which contribute to the weakening of tooth ligaments.
- In the presence of defects in the dentition associated with tooth loss.
- Belated transition to solid and rough food. In this case, the teeth do not receive the necessary load, which leads to their incorrect position.
How do teeth move
- It is known that tooth retention in the hole is carried out using periodontal ligaments.
- Under load, the teeth can change their original position.
- In the case of prolonged pressure on the tooth hole, it becomes possible to resorb and open a space free for tooth movement.
- Due to sprain, bone tissue is formed, which becomes a support for the tooth. As a result, the return of the tooth to its former place becomes impossible.
- Based on this feature, the position of the teeth is corrected.
When correction is required
Correction of anomaly of jaw closure is not related to a person’s age.
The success of the correction depends on the condition of the periodontium, but, of course, age also influences the result of treatment, as the body's ability to adapt with age undoubtedly worsens.
According to experts, if the main problem is functional disorders that develop as a result of incorrect tooth positioning, then it is simply necessary to correct the bite.
Even the category of people who are at risk needs the help of an orthodontist.
Video: “Removable orthodontic appliances”
How to fix an anomaly
A method for the treatment of pathology depends on the condition of the patient’s dentition:
- In young children, the use of myogymnastics may be effective.
- In children from three years of age and older, as well as in adolescents and adults, occlusion correction is possible with the help of orthodontic devices.
- If it is impossible to preserve the teeth, the correction of the anomaly is performed using prosthetics.
- In severe and advanced cases, the above methods may not give the desired effect, in connection with which, surgical intervention is performed.
Orthodontic treatment
For occlusion correction, removable and fixed orthodontic constructions are used.
Removable devices

- Removable equipment is represented by plastic plates made individually for each patient.
- This method is used in children's practice. Plates can be removed, for example, when eating.
- Due to special loops, wire arcs and springs, the orthodontist can carry out the correction of the position of the plates.
Fixed structures also include mouthguards (elayner), trainers (myofunctional devices). They also help eliminate bad habits.
The duration of treatment with such devices is from six months to a year.
Fixed structures

For fixed orthodontic appliances include bracket system.
- This is a device that consists of a wire arc fixed in special locks glued to the teeth.
- Each lock (bracket) is responsible for the position of the tooth.
- Changing the position of the teeth occurs due to the tension of the metal arc.
Correction of occlusion in adults is possible only with the use of braces.
The duration of treatment with a bracket system is from six months to two and a half years.