Tooth pads
Temporary tooth pads

Materials of which they make tooth pads, most often made of porcelain, gold or composite materials.
If there are defects on the teeth, then the use of tooth pads can solve this problem.
During the first visit to the dentist, after processing and preparing the teeth for the installation of permanent pads, for the time of their manufacture, patients sometimes have temporary pads on their teeth.
Such linings have a good aesthetic appearance, but have less strength. At the last visit to the dentist, permanent pads are installed and, if necessary, all inaccuracies are eliminated.
Stages of installing tooth pads:
- Determination of the type of lining, coordination of material and installation location.
- If necessary, install a temporary lining.
- Trying on the finished lining.
- Conclusion of an agreement on its installation.
- Disinfection pads.
- Preparation of the tooth and installation of the lining.
Gold lining
Gold lining can not only hide defects on the tooth surface, but also serve asdecoration (See photo).

The installation procedure for gold plates is absolutely safe and painless.
Precious metal tooth pads can be mounted on tooth enamel as well as on a ceramic-metal crown. In case of violation of the integrity of the tooth enamel, the pads are included in the structure of the seal.
Gold pads are fixed using special glue, which allows not to injure tooth enamel. Food particles do not accumulate around the gold lining, as she is flat. The decoration can be kept on the teeth with careful use for one to two years.
You can remove the gold pad quickly enough, without injuring the tooth. Gold jewelry can be glued to children, which can be an active incentive for dental care.
Ceramic lining
Aesthetic dentistry is designed to correct visible tooth defects. Aesthetics of teeth can be improved with the help of modern means, but it is not possible to achieve a lasting effect in all cases. Ceramic tooth pads easily solve this problem for a long time.
The procedure for ceramic pads consists in fixing plates on the surface of the front teeth that give the teeth a whiteness and protect them from decay.
Ceramic tooth pads are used in the following cases:
- if you can’t whiten your teeth in traditional ways, then teeth whitening with overlays is possible;
- in case of darkening of one or more teeth;
- if masking of the darkened dental filling is required;
- if whitening according to the zoom system does not help»;
- in the presence of mechanical injury to the tooth (defect in enamel, chips, cracks);
- if the patient has ugly teeth or their shape is changed;
- with strong stenosis of the teeth to protect them from decay;
- if necessary, mask the crevices.
The installation of ceramic pads is contraindicated in cases: if the teeth are loose, in the presence of an incorrect bite, caries, gum disease, involuntary grinding of teeth, badly damaged crowns, incomplete eruption of the tooth.
Installing ceramic tooth pads

The installation procedure consists of two steps. In the absence of contraindications, tooth preparation is performed - removal of a thin layer of enamel from the tooth surface (the thickness of the layer is equal to the thickness of the plate).
A mold is taken from the tooth and, based on it, in the laboratory a ceramic overlay is made. At the time of its manufacture, a temporary overlay is installed on the turned tooth, at the request of the patient.
The next step is fixing the tooth pad. The dentist adjusts and adjusts the color of the tooth plate. Then it is fixed with a cement-based mortar. All steps to install ceramic overlays on the teeth are absolutely painless.
Advantages and disadvantages of dental ceramic pads
Ceramics is one of the highest quality materials for making tooth pads.
Advantages of ceramic plates:
- have a natural look;
- resistant to color changes;
- very durable, withstand the main load on the teeth;
- the absence of problems during operation is associated with biocompatibility;
- high wear resistance, the inability to form tartar;
- the term of use of ceramic plates is 10-15 years;
- do not require special care.
The main disadvantages of installing ceramic plates are the irreversibility of the preparation of enamel, the plates cannot be restored in case of breakage.
Decorative lining

Decorative tooth pads (skies) are used to hide defects in tooth enamel: darkening, chipping, cracks.
Toothpads of this category are divided into simple and combined. Simple pads are made of one material: gold or diamonds.
In the manufacture of combined pads use platinum with gold, and also combine precious metals with semiprecious stones.
Decorative overlays are fixed on tooth enamel using a special composition. Sometimes a micro prosthetics method is used to set skies. To do this, make a veneer, then attach it to the tooth, after which a decorative cover is fixed on it. Thus, both tasks are solved - the elimination of a tooth defect and at the same time its decoration.
To prevent tarnishing of gold, polishing of the lining should be carried out at least once every 3-6 months. Installing venus and skyce is a simple and completely painless and safe procedure.
Vinyl tooth pads
Vinyl tooth pads are very popular at the moment, which protect them and can improve their appearance. Installation of veneers is one of the types of micro prosthetics. Porcelain front teethare used to give them whiteness and aesthetics.
What if the veneer comes off or breaks down? First of all, it must be carefully removed from the mouth. If the veneer just peeled off the tooth, then it can be restored. If the pad is broken, then you have to do the veneer again.
How much do veneers cost? The price of porcelain linings on the front teeth is quite high. Today veneer per tooth costs between $ 400-700.
It is strange when a patient chooses a clinic based on prices, not quality. The cost of treatment is formed by several factors: the quality of the material, the qualifications of the dentist and dental technician. But the cost of veneering tooth pads is justified if the work is done efficiently, and during the operation of the veneer there are no problems.